ModelSets: The interface to models in the Toolbox ================================================= PDRT supports a variety of PDR models to be used to fit your data. These are represented in the Python class `ModelSet`. Broadly three classes are available: 1. Wolfire/Kaufman 2020 models for constant density media (metallicities Z=0.5,1) 2. Wolfire/Kaufman 2006 models for constant density media (Z=0.1,1,3) 3. Kosma-:math:`\tau` 2013 models for clumpy and non-clumpy media (Z=1) Models are stored in FITS format as ratios of intensities as a function of radiation field and hydrogen nucleus volume density. For example how to use ModelSets, see the notebook `PDRT_Example_ModelSets.ipynb `_ ---------- .. automodule:: pdrtpy.modelset :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: