Source code for pdrtpy.tool.h2excitation

from astropy.nddata import Cutout2D
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as constants
from astropy.nddata import StdDevUncertainty
import math
import numpy as np
from lmfit import Parameters#, fit_report
from lmfit.model import Model#, ModelResult
from emcee.pbar import get_progress_bar
import cProfile 
import pstats
import io

from .toolbase import ToolBase
from .fitmap import FitMap
from .. import pdrutils as utils
from ..measurement import Measurement
import warnings

[docs]class ExcitationFit(ToolBase): """Base class for creating excitation fitting tools for various species. :param measurements: Input measurements to be fit. :type measurements: list of :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. """ def __init__(self,measurements=None,constantsfile=None): super().__init__() # must be set before call to init_measurements self._intensity_units = "erg cm^-2 s^-1 sr^-1" self._cd_units = 'cm^-2' self._t_units = "K" self._numcomponents = 0 # number of components to fit. user-settable self._valid_components = ['hot','cold','total'] if type(measurements) == dict or measurements is None: self._measurements = measurements else: self._init_measurements(measurements) self._set_measurementnaxis() if constantsfile is not None: # set up atomic constants table, default intensity units self._ac = utils.get_table(constantsfile) self._ac.add_index("Line") self._ac.add_index("Ju") #@todo we don't really even use this. CD's are computed on the fly in average_column_density() self._column_density = dict() def _init_measurements(self,m): '''Initialize measurements dictionary given a list. :param m: list of intensity :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`s in units equivalent to :math:`{\\rm erg~cm^{-2}~s^{-1}~sr^{-1}}` :type m: list of :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` ''' self._measurements = dict() for mm in m: if not utils.check_units(mm.unit,self._intensity_units): raise TypeError(f"Measurement {} units {mm.unit.to_string()} are not in intensity units equivalent to {self._intensity_units}") self._measurements[] = mm
[docs] def add_measurement(self,m): '''Add an intensity Measurement to internal dictionary used to compute the excitation diagram. This method can also be used to safely replace an existing intensity Measurement. :param m: A :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` instance containing intensity in units equivalent to :math:`{\\rm erg~cm^{-2}~s^{-1}~sr^{-1}}` ''' if not utils.check_units(m.unit,self._intensity_units): raise TypeError("Measurement " + " must be in intensity units equivalent to "+self._intensity_units) if self._measurements: self._measurements[] = m # if there is an existing column density with this ID, remove it self._column_density.pop(,None) else: self._init_measurements(m)
[docs] def remove_measurement(self,identifier): '''Delete a measurement from the internal dictionary used to compute column densities. Any associated column density will also be removed. :param identifier: the measurement identifier :type identifier: str :raises KeyError: if identifier not in existing Measurements ''' del self._measurements[identifier] # we want this to raise a KeyError if id not found self._column_density.pop(identifier,None) # but not this.
[docs] def replace_measurement(self,m): '''Safely replace an existing intensity Measurement. Do not change a Measurement in place, use this method. Otherwise, the column densities will be inconsistent. :param m: A :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` instance containing intensity in units equivalent to :math:`{\\rm erg~cm^{-2}~s^{-1}~sr^{-1}}` ''' self.add_measurement(m)
def _partition_function(self): '''The partition function for this molecule. Subclasses should implement this function.''' pass
[docs]class H2ExcitationFit(ExcitationFit): r"""Tool for fitting temperatures, column densities, and ortho-to-para ratio(`OPR`) from an :math:`H_2` excitation diagram. It takes as input a set of :math:`H_2` rovibrational line observations with errors represented as :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. Often, excitation diagrams show evidence of both "hot" and "cold" gas components, where the cold gas dominates the intensity in the low `J` transitions and the hot gas dominates in the high `J` transitions. Given data over several transitions, one can fit for :math:`T_{cold}, T_{hot}, N_{total} = N_{cold}+ N_{hot}`, and optionally `OPR`. One needs at least 5 points to fit the temperatures and column densities (slope and intercept :math:`\times 2`), though one could compute (not fit) them with only 4 points. To additionally fit `OPR`, one should have 6 points (5 degrees of freedom). Once the fit is done, :class:`~pdrtpy.plot.ExcitationPlot` can be used to view the results. :param measurements: Input :math:`H_2` measurements to be fit. :type measurements: list of :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. """ def __init__(self,measurements=None, constantsfile=""): super().__init__(measurements,constantsfile) self._canonical_opr = 3.0 self._opr = Measurement(data=[self._canonical_opr],uncertainty=None) self._residual_functions = { 1 : self._one_component_residual, 2 : self._two_component_residual } self._model_functions = { 1 : self._one_component_model, 2 : self._two_component_model } self._fitresult = None self._temperature = None self._total_colden = None # position and size that was used for averaging/fit self._position = None self._size = None self._numcomponents = 2 def _init_params(self): #fit input parameters self._params = Parameters() # we have to have opr max be greater than 3 so that fitting will work. # the fit algorithm does not like when the initial value is pinned at one # of the limits #print(f'initializing parameters with nc = {self._numcomponents}') self._params.add('opr',value=3.0,min=1.0,max=3.5,vary=False) self._params.add('m1',value=0,min=-1,max=0) self._params.add('n1',value=15,min=10,max=30) if self._numcomponents == 2: self._params.add('m2',value=0,min=-1,max=0) self._params.add('n2',value=15,min=10,max=30) #self._params.pretty_print() def _two_component_residual(self,params,x,data,error,idx): # We assume that the column densities passed in have been normalized # using the canonical OPR=3. Therefore what we are actually fitting is # the ratio of the actual OPR to the canonical OPR. # For odd J, input x = Nu/(3*(2J+1) where 3=canonical OPR. # # We want the model-data residual to be small, but if the opr # is different from the canonical value of 3, then data[idx] will # be low by a factor of 3/opr. # So we must LOWER model[idx] artificially by dividing it by # 3/opr, i.e. multiplying by opr/3. This is equivalent to addition in log-space. p = params.valuesdict() y1 = 10**(x*p['m1']+p['n1']) y2 = 10**(x*p['m2']+p['n2']) model = np.log10(y1+y2) if params['opr'].vary: model += np.log10(p['opr']/self._canonical_opr) return (model - data)/error def _one_component_residual(self,params,x,data,error,idx): p = params.valuesdict() model = x*p['m1']+p['n1'] if params['opr'].vary: model *= p['opr']/self._canonical_opr return (model - data)/error def _two_component_model(self,x,m1,n1,m2,n2,opr,idx=[],fit_opr=False): '''Function for fitting the excitation curve as sum of two linear functions and allowing ortho-to-para ratio to vary. Para is even J, ortho is odd J. :param x: independent axis array :param m1: slope of first line :type m1: float :param n1: intercept of first line :type n1: float :param m2: slope of second line :type m2: float :param n2: intercept of second line :type n2: float :param opr: ortho-to-para ratio :type opr: float :type idx: np.ndarray :param idx: list of indices that may have variable opr (odd J transitions) :param fit_opr: indicate whether opr will be fit, default False (opr fixed) :type fit_opr: False :return: Sum of lines in log space:log10(10**(x*m1+n1) + 10**(x*m2+n2)) + log10(opr/3.0) :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` ''' y1 = 10**(x*m1+n1) y2 = 10**(x*m2+n2) model = np.log10(y1+y2) # We assume that the column densities passed in have been normalized # using the canonical OPR=3. Therefore what we are actually fitting is # the ratio of the actual OPR to the canonical OPR. # For odd J, input x = Nu/(3*(2J+1) where 3=canonical OPR. # # We want the model-data residual to be small, but if the opr # is different from the canonical value of 3, then data[idx] will # be low by a factor of 3/opr. # So we must LOWER model[idx] artificially by dividing it by # 3/opr, i.e. multiplying by opr/3. This is equivalent to addition in log-space. if fit_opr: model[idx] += np.log10(opr/self._canonical_opr) return model def _one_component_model(self,x,m1,n1,opr,idx=[],fit_opr=False): model = x*m1+n1 if fit_opr: model[idx] *= opr/self._canonical_opr return model def _init_model(self): #@todo make a separate class that subclasses Model. # potentially allow users to change it. #print(f'initializing model with nc = {self._numcomponents}') self._model=Model(self._model_functions[self._numcomponents],oaram_names=list(self._params.keys())) for p,q in self._params.items(): self._model.set_param_hint(p, value=q.value, min=q.min, max=q.max, vary=q.vary) pp = self._model.make_params() #pp.pretty_print() def _compute_quantities(self,fitmap): """Compute the temperatures and column densities for the hot and cold gas components. This method will set class variables `_temperature` and `_colden`. :param params: The fit parameters returned from fit_excitation. :type params: :class:`lmfit.Parameters` """ self._temperature = dict() # N(J=0) column density = intercept on y axis self._j0_colden = dict() # total column density = N(J=0)*Z(T) where Z(T) is partition function self._total_colden = dict() size = if self._numcomponents == 2: # create default arrays in which calculated values will be stored. # Use nan as fill value because there may be nans in fitmapdata, in which # case nothing need be done to arrays. # tc, th = cold and hot temperatures # utc, utc = uncertainties in cold and hot temperatures # nc, nh = cold and hot column densities # unc, unh = uncertainties in cold and hot temperatures # opr = ortho to para ratio # uopr = uncertainty in OPR tc = np.full(shape=size,fill_value=np.nan,dtype=float) utc = np.full(shape=size,fill_value=np.nan,dtype=float) nc = np.full(shape=size,fill_value=np.nan,dtype=float) unc = np.full(shape=size,fill_value=np.nan,dtype=float) opr = np.full(shape=size,fill_value=np.nan,dtype=float) uopr = np.full(shape=size,fill_value=np.nan,dtype=float) th = np.full(shape=size,fill_value=np.nan,dtype=float) uth = np.full(shape=size,fill_value=np.nan,dtype=float) unh = np.full(shape=size,fill_value=np.nan,dtype=float) nh = np.full(shape=size,fill_value=np.nan,dtype=float) ff = ffmask = fitmap.mask.flatten() for i in range(size): if ffmask[i]: continue params = ff[i].params for p in params: if params[p].stderr is None: print("AT pixel i [mask]",i,ffmask[i]) params.pretty_print() raise Exception("Something went wrong with the fit and it was unable to calculate errors on the fitted parameters. It's likely that a two-temperature model is not appropriate for your data. Check the fit_result report and plot.") if params['m2'] < params['m1']: cold = '2' hot = '1' else: cold = '1' hot = '2' mcold = 'm'+cold mhot= 'm'+hot ncold = 'n'+cold nhot = 'n'+hot # cold and hot temperatures utc[i] = params[mcold].stderr/params[mcold] tc[i] = -utils.LOGE/params[mcold] uth[i] = params[mhot].stderr/params[mhot] th[i] = -utils.LOGE/params[mhot] nc[i] = 10**params[ncold] unc[i] = utils.LN10*params[ncold].stderr*nc[i] nh[i] = 10**params[nhot] unh[i] = utils.LN10*params[nhot].stderr*nh[i] opr[i] = params['opr'].value uopr[i] = params['opr'].stderr # now reshape them all back to map shape tc = tc.reshape( th = th.reshape( utc = utc.reshape( uth = uth.reshape( nc = nc.reshape( nh = nh.reshape( unh = unh.reshape( unc = unc.reshape( opr = opr.reshape( uopr = uopr.reshape( mask = fitmap.mask | np.logical_not(np.isfinite(tc)) ucc= StdDevUncertainty(np.abs(tc*utc)) self._temperature["cold"]=Measurement(data=tc,unit=self._t_units, uncertainty=ucc,wcs=fitmap.wcs, mask = mask) mask = fitmap.mask | np.logical_not(np.isfinite(th)) uch = StdDevUncertainty(np.abs(th*uth)) self._temperature["hot"]=Measurement(data=th,unit=self._t_units, uncertainty=uch,wcs=fitmap.wcs, mask = mask) # cold and hot total column density ucn = StdDevUncertainty(np.abs(unc)) mask = fitmap.mask | np.logical_not(np.isfinite(nc)) self._j0_colden["cold"] = Measurement(nc,unit=self._cd_units, uncertainty=ucn,wcs=fitmap.wcs, mask=mask) mask = fitmap.mask | np.logical_not(np.isfinite(nh)) uhn = StdDevUncertainty(np.abs(unh)) self._j0_colden["hot"] = Measurement(nh,unit=self._cd_units, uncertainty=uhn,wcs=fitmap.wcs, mask = mask) # self._total_colden["cold"] = self._j0_colden["cold"] * self._partition_function(self.tcold) self._total_colden["hot"] = self._j0_colden["hot"] * self._partition_function(self.thot) mask = fitmap.mask | np.logical_not(np.isfinite(opr)) self._opr = Measurement(opr, unit=u.dimensionless_unscaled, uncertainty=StdDevUncertainty(uopr),wcs=fitmap.wcs, mask=mask) elif self._numcomponents == 1: tc = np.full(shape=size,fill_value=np.nan,dtype=float) utc = np.full(shape=size,fill_value=np.nan,dtype=float) nc = np.full(shape=size,fill_value=np.nan,dtype=float) unc = np.full(shape=size,fill_value=np.nan,dtype=float) opr = np.full(shape=size,fill_value=np.nan,dtype=float) uopr = np.full(shape=size,fill_value=np.nan,dtype=float) ff = ffmask = fitmap.mask.flatten() for i in range(size): if ffmask[i]: continue params = ff[i].params for p in params: if params[p].stderr is None: print("AT pixel i [mask]",i,ffmask[i]) params.pretty_print() raise Exception("Something went wrong with the fit and it was unable to calculate errors on the fitted parameters. It's likely that a two-temperature model is not appropriate for your data. Check the fit_result report and plot.") mcold = 'm1' ncold = 'n1' # cold and hot temperatures utc[i] = params[mcold].stderr/params[mcold] tc[i] = -utils.LOGE/params[mcold] nc[i] = 10**params[ncold] unc[i] = utils.LN10*params[ncold].stderr*nc[i] opr[i] = params['opr'].value uopr[i] = params['opr'].stderr # now reshape them all back to map shape tc = tc.reshape( utc = utc.reshape( nc = nc.reshape( unc = unc.reshape( opr = opr.reshape( uopr = uopr.reshape( mask = fitmap.mask | np.logical_not(np.isfinite(tc)) ucc= StdDevUncertainty(np.abs(tc*utc)) self._temperature["cold"]=Measurement(data=tc,unit=self._t_units, uncertainty=ucc,wcs=fitmap.wcs, mask = mask) self._temperature["hot"]=self._temperature["cold"] # cold = hot total column density ucn = StdDevUncertainty(np.abs(unc)) mask = fitmap.mask | np.logical_not(np.isfinite(nc)) self._j0_colden["cold"] = Measurement(nc,unit=self._cd_units, uncertainty=ucn,wcs=fitmap.wcs, mask=mask) self._j0_colden["hot"] = self._j0_colden["cold"] self._total_colden["cold"] = self._j0_colden["cold"] * self._partition_function(self.tcold) self._total_colden["hot"] = self._total_colden["cold"] mask = fitmap.mask | np.logical_not(np.isfinite(opr)) self._opr = Measurement(opr, unit=u.dimensionless_unscaled, uncertainty=StdDevUncertainty(uopr),wcs=fitmap.wcs, mask=mask) else: raise Exception(f"Bad numcomponents: {self._numcomponents}") def _is_ortho(self,identifier): #identifier is J level if type(identifier) == int: return utils.is_odd(identifier) else: #identifier is e.g., H210S7 return self._ac.loc[identifier]["Ju"]%2!=0 @property def fit_result(self): '''The result of the fitting procedure which includes fit statistics, variable values and uncertainties, and correlations between variables. :rtype: :class:`lmfit.model.ModelResult` ''' return self._fitresult @property def numcomponents(self): '''Number of temperature components in the fit :rtype: int ''' return self._numcomponents @property def opr_fitted(self): '''Was the ortho-to-para ratio fitted? :returns: True if OPR was fitted, False if canonical LTE value was used :rtype: bool ''' if self._fitresult is None: return False return self._params['opr'].vary @property def opr(self): '''The ortho-to-para ratio (OPR) :returns: The fitted OPR is it was determined in the fit, otherwise the canonical LTE OPR :rtype: :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` ''' return self._opr @property def intensities(self): '''The stored intensities. See :meth:`add_measurement` :rtype: list of :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` ''' return self._measurements
[docs] def colden(self,component):#,log=False): '''The column density of hot or cold gas component, or total column density. :param component: 'hot', 'cold', or 'total :type component: str :rtype: :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` ''' #:param log: take the log10 of the column density cl = component.lower() if cl not in self._valid_components: raise KeyError(f"{cl} not a valid component. Must be one of {self._valid_components}") #print(f'returning {cl}') if cl == 'total': return self.total_colden else: return self._total_colden[cl]
@property def total_colden(self): '''The fitted total column density :rtype: :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` ''' if self._numcomponents == 1: return self._total_colden["cold"] return self._total_colden["hot"]+self._total_colden["cold"] @property def hot_colden(self): '''The fitted hot gas total column density :rtype: :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` ''' return self._total_colden["hot"] @property def cold_colden(self): '''The fitted cold gas total column density :rtype: :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` ''' return self._total_colden["cold"] @property def tcold(self): '''The fitted cold gas excitation temperature :rtype: :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` ''' return self._temperature['cold']#self._fitparams.tcold @property def thot(self): '''The fitted hot gas excitation temperature :rtype: :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` ''' return self._temperature['hot']#self._fitparams.thot @property def temperature(self): '''The fitted gas temperatures, returned in a dictionary with keys 'hot' and 'cold'. :rtype: dict ''' return self._temperature
[docs] def column_densities(self,norm=False,unit=utils._CM2, line=True): r'''The computed upper state column densities of stored intensities :param norm: if True, normalize the column densities by the statistical weight of the upper state, :math:`g_u`. Default: False :type norm: bool :param unit: The units in which to return the column density. Default: :math:`{\\rm }cm^{-2}` :type unit: str or :class:`astropy.units.Unit` :param line: if True, the dictionary index is the Line name, otherwise it is the upper state :math:`J` number. Default: False :type line: bool :returns: dictionary of column densities indexed by upper state :math:`J` number or Line name. Default: False means return indexed by :math:`J`. :rtype: dict ''' # Compute column densities if needed. # Note: this has a gotcha - if user changes an existing intensity # Measurement in place, rather than replaceMeasurement(), the colden # won't get recomputed. But we warned them! #if not self._column_density or (len(self._column_density) != len(self._measurements)): # screw it. just always compute them. Note to self: change this if it becomes computationally intensive self._compute_column_densities(unit=unit,line=line) if norm: cdnorm = dict() for cd in self._column_density: if line: denom = self._ac.loc[cd]["gu"] else: denom = self._ac.loc['Ju',cd]["gu"] if(len(denom)>0): denom=denom[0] #ARGH kluge. Need to get rid of f option as Ju is no longer unique #print("CD ",cd,"DENOM ",denom) # This fails with complaints about units: #self._column_density[cd] /= self._ac.loc[cd]["gu"] #gu = Measurement(self._ac.loc[cd]["gu"],unit=u.dimensionless_unscaled) cdnorm[cd] = self._column_density[cd]/denom cdnorm[cd]._identifier = cd #return #self._column_density return cdnorm else: return self._column_density
[docs] def energies(self,line=True): '''Upper state energies of stored intensities, in K. :param line: if True, the dictionary index is the Line name, otherwise it is the upper state :math:`J` number. Default: False :type line: bool :returns: dictionary indexed by upper state :math:`J` number or Line name. Default: False means return indexed by :math:`J`. :rtype: dict ''' t = dict() if line: for m in self._measurements: t[m] = self._ac.loc[m]["Tu"] else: for m in self._measurements: t[self._ac.loc[m]["Ju"]] = self._ac.loc[m]["Tu"] return t
[docs] def run(self,position=None,size=None,fit_opr=False,**kwargs): r'''Fit the :math:`log N_u-E` diagram with two excitation temperatures, a ``hot`` :math:`T_{ex}` and a ``cold`` :math:`T_{ex}`. If ``position`` and ``size`` are given, the data will be averaged over a spatial box before fitting. The box is created using :class:`astropy.nddata.utils.Cutout2D`. If position or size is None, the data are averaged over all pixels. If the Measurements are single values, these arguments are ignored. :param position: The position of the cutout array's center with respect to the data array. The position can be specified either as a `(x, y)` tuple of pixel coordinates. :type position: tuple :param size: The size of the cutout array along each axis in pixels. If size is a scalar number or a scalar :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, then a square cutout of size will be created. If `size` has two elements, they should be in `(nx, ny)` order [*this is the opposite of Cutout2D signature*]. Scalar numbers in size are assumed to be in units of pixels. Default value of None means use all pixels (position is ignored) :type size: int, array_like` :param fit_opr: Whether to fit the ortho-to-para ratio or not. If True, the OPR will be varied to determine the best value. If False, the OPR is fixed at the canonical LTE value of 3. :type fit_opr: bool ''' kwargs_opts = { 'mask': None, 'method': 'leastsq', 'nan_policy': 'raise', 'test':False, 'profile':False, 'components': 2 } kwargs_opts.update(kwargs) self._numcomponents = kwargs_opts.pop('components') self._init_params() self._init_model() return self._fit_excitation(position,size,fit_opr,**kwargs_opts)
[docs] def intensity(self,colden): '''Given an upper state column density :math:`N_u`, compute the intensity :math:`I`. .. math:: I = {A \Delta E~N_u \over 4\pi} where :math:`A` is the Einstein A coefficient and :math:`\Delta E` is the energy of the transition. :param colden: upper state column density :type colden: :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` :returns: optically thin intensity :rtype: :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` ''' # colden is N_upper dE = self._ac.loc[]["dE"]*constants.k_B.cgs*self._ac["dE"].unit A = self._ac.loc[]["A"]*self._ac["A"].unit v = A*dE/(4.0*math.pi* val = Measurement(data=v.value,unit=v.unit, intensity = val*colden # error will get propagated i = intensity.convert_unit_to(self._intensity_units) i._identifier = return i
[docs] def upper_colden(self,intensity,unit): '''Compute the column density in upper state :math:`N_u`, given an intensity :math:`I` and assuming optically thin emission. Units of :math:`I` need to be equivalent to :math:`{\\rm erg~cm^{-2}~s^{-1}~sr^{-1}}`. .. math:: I &= {A \Delta E~N_u \over 4\pi} N_u &= 4\pi {I\over A\Delta E} where :math:`A` is the Einstein A coefficient and :math:`\Delta E` is the energy of the transition. :param intensity: A :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` instance containing intensity in units equivalent to :math:`{\\rm erg~cm^{-2}~s^{-1}~sr^{-1}}` :type intensity: :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` :param unit: The units in which to return the column density. Default: :math:`{\\rm }cm^{-2}` :type unit: str or :class:`astropy.units.Unit` :returns: a :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` of the column density. :rtype: :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` ''' dE = self._ac.loc[]["dE"] * constants.k_B.cgs * self._ac["dE"].unit A = self._ac.loc[]["A"]*self._ac["A"].unit v = 4.0*math.pi**dE) val = Measurement(data=v.value,unit=v.unit, N_upper = intensity * val # error will get propagated N_upper = N_upper.convert_unit_to(unit) N_upper._identifier = return N_upper
def _compute_column_densities(self,unit=utils._CM2,line=True): r'''Compute all upper level column densities for stored intensity measurements and puts them in a dictionary :param unit: The units in which to return the column density. Default: :math:`{\\rm }cm^{-2}` :type unit: str or :class:`astropy.units.Unit` :param line: if True, the dictionary index is the Line name, otherwise it is the upper state :math:`J` number. Default: False :type line: bool # should we reutrn something here or just compute them and never store. # I'm beginning to think there is no reason to store them. #:returns: dictionary of column densities as:class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement indexed by upper state :math:`J` number or Line name. Default: False means return indexed by :math:`J`. #:returns: a :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` of the column density. ''' self._column_density = dict() for m in self._measurements: if line: index = m else: index = self._ac.loc[m]["Ju"] self._column_density[index] = self.upper_colden(self._measurements[m],unit)
[docs] def gu(self,id,opr): r'''Get the upper state statistical weight $g_u$ for the given transition identifer, and, if the transition is odd-$J$, scale the result by the given ortho-to-para ratio. If the transition is even-$J$, the LTE value is returned. :param id: the measurement identifier :type id: str :param opr: :type opr: float :raises KeyError: if id not in existing Measurements :rtype: float ''' if utils.is_even(self._ac.loc[id]["Ju"]): return self._ac.loc[id]["gu"] else: #print("Ju=%d scaling by [%.2f/%.2f]=%.2f"%(self._ac.loc[id]["Ju"],opr,self._canonical_opr,opr/self._canonical_opr)) return self._ac.loc[id]["gu"]*opr/self._canonical_opr
[docs] def average_column_density(self,position=None,size=None,norm=True, unit=utils._CM2,line=True, clip=-1E40*u.Unit("cm-2")): r'''Compute the average column density over a spatial box. The box is created using :class:`astropy.nddata.utils.Cutout2D`. :param position: The position of the cutout array's center with respect to the data array. The position can be specified either as a `(x, y)` tuple of pixel coordinates. :type position: tuple :param size: The size of the cutout array along each axis. If size is a scalar number or a scalar :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, then a square cutout of size will be created. If `size` has two elements, they should be in `(nx,ny)` order [*this is the opposite of Cutout2D signature*]. Scalar numbers in size are assumed to be in units of pixels. Default value of None means use all pixels (position is ignored) :type size: int, array_like` :param norm: if True, normalize the column densities by the statistical weight of the upper state, :math:`g_u`. For ortho-$H_2$ $g_u = OPR \times (2J+1)$, for para-$H_2$ $g_u=2J+1$. In LTE, $OPR = 3$. :type norm: bool :param unit: The units in which to return the column density. Default: :math:`{\rm cm}^{-2}` :type unit: str or :class:`astropy.units.Unit` :param line: if True, the returned dictionary index is the Line name, otherwise it is the upper state :math:`J` number. :type line: bool :returns: dictionary of column density Measurements, with keys as :math:`J` number or Line name :rtype: dict :param clip: Column density value at which to clip pixels. Pixels with column densities below this value will not be used in the average. Default: a large negative number, which translates to no clipping. :type clip: :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` ''' #@todo # - should default clip = None? # Set norm=False because we normalize below if necessary. if position is not None and size is None: print("WARNING: ignoring position keyword since no size given") if position is None and size is not None: raise Exception("You must supply a position in addition to size for cutout") if size is not None: if np.isscalar(size): size = np.array([size,size]) else: #Cutout2D wants (ny,nx) size = np.array([size[1],size[0]]) clip ="cm-2") cdnorm = self.column_densities(norm=norm,unit=unit,line=line) cdmeas = dict() for cd in cdnorm: ca = cdnorm[cd] if size is not None: if len(size) != len(ca.shape): raise Exception(f"Size dimensions [{len(size)}] don't match measurements [{len(ca.shape)}]") #if size[0] > ca.shape[0] or size[1] > ca.shape[1]: # raise Exception(f"Requested cutout size {size} exceeds measurement size {ca.shape}") cutout = Cutout2D(, position, size, ca.wcs, mode='trim', fill_value=np.nan) w= Cutout2D(ca.uncertainty.array, position, size, ca.wcs, mode='trim', fill_value=np.nan) cddata =,,<clip.value)) weights =,np.isnan( else: cddata = # handle corner case of is shape = (1,) # and StdDevUncertainty.array is shape = (). # They both have only one value but StdDevUncertainty stores # its data in a peculiar way. # alternative: check that type(ca.uncertainty.array) == np.ndarray would also work. if np.shape( == (1,) and np.shape(ca.uncertainty.array) == (): weights = np.array([ca.uncertainty.array]) else: weights = ca.uncertainty.array cdavg = np.average(cddata,weights=weights) error = np.nanmean(ca.error)/np.sqrt(ca.error.size)#-1 cdmeas[cd] = Measurement(data=cdavg, uncertainty=StdDevUncertainty(error), unit=ca.unit, identifier=cd) return cdmeas
def _get_ortho_indices(self,ids): """Given a list of J values, return the indices of those that are ortho transitions (odd J) :param ids: :type ids: list of str :returns: The array indices of the odd J values. :rtype: list of int """ return np.where(self._ac.loc[ids]["Ju"]%2!=0)[0] def _get_para_indices(self,ids): """Given a list of J values, return the indices ofcomb those that are para transitions (even J) :param ids: :type ids: list of str :returns: The array indices of the even J values. :rtype: list of int """ return np.where(self._ac.loc[ids]["Ju"]%2==0)[0] # currently unused. in future may allow users to give first guesses at the temperatures, though not clear these will be better than _firstguess(). plus this does nothing for the intercepts def _slopesfromguess(self,guess): """given a guess of two temperatures, compute slopes from them""" if guess[0]<guess[1]: thot = guess[1] tcold = guess[2] else: tcold=guess[2] thot = guess[1] slope = [] slope[0] = -utils.LOGE/tcold slope[1] = -utils.LOGE/thot return slope def _first_guess(self,x,y): r"""The first guess at the fit parameters is done by finding the line between the first two (lowest energy) points to determine $T_{cold}and between the last two (highest energy) points to determine $T_{hot}. The first guess is needed to ensure the final fit converges. The guess doesn't need to be perfect, just in the ballpark. :param x: array of energies, $E/k$ :type x: numpy array :param y: array of normalized column densities $N_u/g_u$ :type y: numpy array """ slopecold = (y[1]-y[0])/(x[1]-x[0]) intcold = y[1] - slopecold*x[1] if self._numcomponents == 2: slopehot = (y[-1]-y[-2])/(x[-1]-x[-2]) inthot = y[-1] - slopehot*x[-1] else: slopehot = slopecold inthot = intcold #print("FG ",type(slopecold),type(slopehot),type(intcold),type(inthot)) return np.array([slopecold, intcold, slopehot, inthot]) def _fit_excitation(self,position,size,fit_opr=False,**kwargs): """Fit the :math:`log N_u-E` diagram with two excitation temperatures, a ``hot`` :math:`T_{ex}` and a ``cold`` :math:`T_{ex}`. A first pass guess is initially made using data partitioning and two linear fits. If ``position`` and ``size`` are given, the data will be averaged over a spatial box before fitting. The box is created using :class:`astropy.nddata.utils.Cutout2D`. If position or size is None, the data are averaged over all pixels. If the Measurements are single values, these arguments are ignored. :param position: The position of the cutout array's center with respect to the data array. The position can be specified either as a `(x, y)` tuple of pixel coordinates or a :class:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, which will use the :class:`~astropy.wcs.WCS` of the ::class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`s added to this tool. See :class:`~astropy.nddata.utils.Cutout2D`. :type position: tuple or :class:`astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` :param size: The size of the cutout array along each axis. If size is a scalar number or a scalar :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, then a square cutout of size will be created. If `size` has two elements, they should be in `(ny, nx)` order. Scalar numbers in size are assumed to be in units of pixels. `size` can also be a :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` object or contain :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` objects. Such :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` objects must be in pixel or angular units. For all cases, size will be converted to an integer number of pixels, rounding the the nearest integer. See the mode keyword for additional details on the final cutout size. Default value of None means use all pixels (position is ignored) :type size: int, array_like, or :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` :param fit_opr: Whether to fit the ortho-to-para ratio or not. If True, the OPR will be varied to determine the best value. If False, the OPR is fixed at the canonical LTE value of 3. :type fit_opr: bool ,dtype=object :returns: The fit result which contains slopes, intercepts, the ortho to para ratio (OPR), and fit statistics :rtype: :class:`lmfit.model.ModelResult` """ profile = kwargs.pop('profile') self._stats = None if profile: pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() if fit_opr: min_points = self._numcomponents*2 + 1 else: min_points = self._numcomponents*2 self._opr = Measurement(data=[self._canonical_opr],uncertainty=None) self._params['opr'].vary = fit_opr energy = self.energies(line=True) _ee = np.array([c for c in energy.values()]) #@ todo: allow fitting of one-temperature model if len(_ee) < min_points: raise Exception(f"You need at least {min_points:d} data points to determine {self._numcomponents}-temperature model") if len(_ee) == min_points: warnings.warn(f"Number of data points is equal to number of free parameters ({min_points:d}). Fit will be over-constrained") _energy = Measurement(_ee,unit="K") _ids = list(energy.keys()) idx=self._get_ortho_indices(_ids) # Get Nu/gu. Canonical opr will be used. if position is None or size is None: colden = self.column_densities(norm=True,line=True) else: colden = self.average_column_density(norm=True, position=position, size=size, line=True) # Need to stuff the data into a single vector _cd = np.squeeze(np.array([ for c in colden.values()])) _er = np.squeeze(np.array([c.error for c in colden.values()])) _colden = Measurement(_cd,uncertainty=StdDevUncertainty(_er),unit="cm-2") fk = utils.firstkey(colden) x = y = np.log10( #print("SHAPE Y LEN(SHAPE(Y) ",y.shape,len(y.shape)) #kwargs_opts = {"guess": self._first_guess(x,y)} #kwargs_opts.update(kwargs) sigma = utils.LOGE*_colden.error/ slopecold, intcold, slopehot, inthot = self._first_guess(x,y) #print(slopecold,slopehot,intcold,inthot) tcold=(-utils.LOGE/slopecold) thot=(-utils.LOGE/slopehot) if np.shape(tcold) == (): tcold = np.array([tcold]) thot = np.array([thot]) saveshape = tcold.shape #print("TYPE COLD SIT",type(slopecold),type(intcold),type(tcold)) #print("SHAPES: colden/sigma/slope/int/temp/cd: ",np.shape(_colden),np.shape(sigma),np.shape(slopecold),np.shape(intcold),np.shape(tcold),np.shape(_cd)) #print("First guess at excitation temperatures:\n T_cold = %.1f K\n T_hot = %.1f K"%(tcold,thot)) fmdata = np.empty(tcold.shape,dtype=object).flatten() #fm = FitMap(data=fmdata,wcs=colden[fk].wcs,uncertainty=None,unit=None) tcold = tcold.flatten() thot = thot.flatten() slopecold = slopecold.flatten() slopehot = slopehot.flatten() inthot = inthot.flatten() intcold = intcold.flatten() #sigma = sigma.flatten() # flatten any dimensions past 0 shp = y.shape #print("NS ",shp[0],shp[1:]) if len(shp) == 1: #print("adding new axis") y = y[:,np.newaxis] shp = y.shape yr = y.reshape((shp[0],[1:]))) sig = sigma.reshape((shp[0],[1:]))) #print("YR, SIG SHAPE",yr.shape,sig.shape) count = 0 #print("LEN(TCOLD)",len(tcold)) total = len(tcold) fm_mask = np.full(shape=tcold.shape,fill_value=False) # Suppress the incorrect warning about model parameters warnings.simplefilter('ignore',category=UserWarning) excount = 0 badfit = 0 # update whether opr is allowed to vary or not. self._model.set_param_hint('opr',vary = fit_opr) # use progress bar if more than one pixel if total > 1: progress = kwargs.pop("progress",True) else: progress = False #print("PARAMS") #self._params.pretty_print() with get_progress_bar(progress,total,leave=True,position=0) as pbar: for i in range(total): if np.isfinite(yr[:,i]).all() and np.isfinite(sig[:,i]).all(): # update Parameter hints based on first guess. self._model.set_param_hint('m1',value=slopecold[i],vary=True) self._model.set_param_hint('n1',value=intcold[i],vary=True) if self._numcomponents == 2: self._model.set_param_hint('m2',value=slopehot[i],vary=True) self._model.set_param_hint('n2',value=inthot[i],vary=True) p=self._model.make_params() wts = 1.0/(sig[:,i]*sig[:,i]) try: #print("X=",x) #print("Y=",yr[:i]) fmdata[i] =[:,i], weights=wts, x=x,params=p, idx=idx,fit_opr=fit_opr,method=kwargs['method'], nan_policy = kwargs['nan_policy']) if fmdata[i].success and fmdata[i].errorbars: count = count+1 else: fmdata[i] = None fm_mask[i] = True badfit = badfit + 1 except ValueError: fmdata[i] = None fm_mask[i] = True excount = excount+1 else: fmdata[i] = None fm_mask[i] = True pbar.update(1) warnings.resetwarnings() fmdata = fmdata.reshape(saveshape) fm_mask = fm_mask.reshape(saveshape) self._fitresult = FitMap(fmdata,wcs=colden[fk].wcs,mask=fm_mask,name="result") # this will raise an exception if the fit was bad (fit errors == None) self._compute_quantities(self._fitresult) print(f"fitted {count} of {slopecold.size} pixels") print(f'got {excount} exceptions and {badfit} bad fits') #if successful, set the used position and size self._position = position self._size = size if profile: pr.disable() s = io.StringIO() sortby = pstats.SortKey.CUMULATIVE ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=s).sort_stats(sortby) ps.print_stats() self._stats = s def _two_lines(self,x, m1, n1, m2, n2): '''This function is used to partition a fit to data using two lines and an inflection point. Second slope is steeper because slopes are negative in excitation diagram. :param x: array of x values :type x: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param m1: slope of first line :type m1: float :param n1: intercept of first line :type n1: float :param m2: slope of second line :type m2: float :param n2: intercept of second line :type n2: float See ''' return np.max([m1 * x + n1, m2 * x + n2], axis = 0) def _one_line(self,x,m1,n1): '''Return a line. :param x: array of x values :type x: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param m1: slope of first line :type m1: float :param n1: intercept of first line :type n1: float ''' return m1*x+n1 def _partition_function(self,tex): '''Calculate the H2 partition function given an excitation temperature :param tex: the excitation temperature :type tex: :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` or :class:`astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` :returns: the partition function value :rtype: numpy.ndarray ''' # See Herbst et al 1996 # # Z(T) = = 0.0247T * [1 - exp(-6000/T)]^-1 # This is just being defensive. I know the temperatures used internally are in K. t =*u.Unit(tex.unit)).to("K",equivalencies=u.temperature()).value) t.mask = np.logical_or(t.mask,np.logical_not(np.isfinite(t))) z = 0.0247*t/(1.0 - np.exp(-6000.0/t)) return z