Source code for pdrtpy.plot.modelplot

import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import as ma
from matplotlib import ticker
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D

import astropy.wcs as wcs
import astropy.units as u

from .plotbase import PlotBase
from ..measurement import Measurement
from .. import pdrutils as utils

[docs]class ModelPlot(PlotBase): """ModelPlot is a tool for exploring sets of models. It can plot individual intensity or ratio models, phase-space diagrams, and optionally overlay observations. Units are seamlessly transformed, so you can plot in Habing units, Draine units, or any conformable quantity. ModelPlot does not require model fitting with :class:`~pdrtpy.tool.lineratiofit.LineRatioFit` first. :Keyword Arguments: The methods of this class can take a variety of optional keywords. See the general `Plot Keywords`_ documentation. """ def __init__(self,modelset,figure=None,axis=None): """Init method :param modelset: The set of models to use in these plots. :type modelset: `~pdrtpy.modelset.ModelSet` """ super().__init__(tool=None) self._modelset = modelset self._figure = figure self._axis = axis #print(utils.habing_unit)
[docs] def plot(self,identifier,**kwargs): """Plot a model intensity or ratio :param identifier: Identifier tag for the model to plot, e.g., "CII_158","OI_145","CO_43/CO_21'] :type identifier: str .. seealso:: :meth:`~pdrtpy.modelset.ModelSet.supported_lines` for a list of available identifer tags """ kwargs_opts = { 'measurements': None} kwargs_opts.update(kwargs) if '/' in identifier: self.ratio(identifier,**kwargs_opts) else: self.intensity(identifier,**kwargs_opts)
[docs] def ratio(self,identifier,**kwargs): """Plot a model ratio :param identifier: Identifier tag for the model to plot, e.g., "OI_63+CII_158/FIR", "CO_43/CO_21'] :type identifier: str .. seealso:: :meth:`~pdrtpy.modelset.ModelSet.supported_ratios` for a list of available identifer tags """ ms = self._modelset model = ms.get_model(identifier) kwargs_opts = {'title': ms.table.loc[identifier]["title"], 'colorbar':True, 'contours':True, 'colors':['white'], 'meas_color': [self._CB_color_cycle[0]], 'legend':True, 'bbox_to_anchor':None, 'loc':"upper center", 'image':True, 'measurements':None } kwargs_opts.update(kwargs) # make a sensible choice about contours if image is not shown if not kwargs_opts['image'] and kwargs_opts['colors'][0] == 'white': kwargs_opts['colors'][0] = 'black' self._plot_no_wcs(model,**kwargs_opts) if kwargs_opts['legend']: lines = list() labels = list() if kwargs_opts['contours']: lines.append(Line2D([0], [0], color=kwargs_opts['colors'][0], linewidth=3, linestyle='-')) labels.append(f"{} model") if kwargs_opts['measurements'] is not None: lines.append(Line2D([0], [0], color=kwargs_opts['meas_color'][0], linewidth=3, linestyle='-')) labels.append("observed") self._axis[0].legend(lines, labels, loc=kwargs_opts['loc'], bbox_to_anchor=kwargs_opts['bbox_to_anchor'], title=kwargs_opts['title'])
[docs] def intensity(self,identifier,**kwargs): """Plot a model ratio :param identifier: Identifier tag for the model to plot, e.g., "OI_63", "CII_158", "CO_10"] :type identifier: str .. seealso:: :meth:`~pdrtpy.modelset.ModelSet.supported_intensities` for a list of available identifer tags """ # shouldn't need separate model intensity as keyword would tell you. # Idea: Put a 'modeltyp' keyword in FITS header whether it is intensity ratio or intensity. ms = self._modelset meas = kwargs.get("measurements",None) model = ms.get_models([identifier],model_type="intensity") if meas is not None: if type(meas[0]) is not Measurement: raise TypeError("measurement keyword value must be a list of Measurements") if (model[identifier]._unit != meas[0].unit ): raise TypeError(f"Model and Measurement for {identifier} have different units: ({model[identifier]._unit},{meas[0].unit})") if identifier != meas[0].id: msg = f"Identifiers of model {identifier} and supplied Measurement {meas[0].id} do not match. Plotting anyway." warnings.warn(msg) kwargs_opts = {'title': ms.table.loc[identifier]["title"], 'colorbar':True, 'contours':True, 'colors':['white'], 'meas_color': [self._CB_color_cycle[0]], 'legend':True, 'bbox_to_anchor':None, 'loc':"upper center", 'image':True } kwargs_opts.update(kwargs) if not kwargs_opts['image'] and kwargs_opts['colors'][0] == 'white': kwargs_opts['colors'][0] = 'black' self._plot_no_wcs(model[identifier],**kwargs_opts) if kwargs_opts['legend']: lines = list() labels = list() if kwargs_opts['contours']: lines.append(Line2D([0], [0], color=kwargs_opts['colors'][0], linewidth=3, linestyle='-')) labels.append("model") if meas is not None: lines.append(Line2D([0], [0], color=kwargs_opts['meas_color'][0], linewidth=3, linestyle='-')) labels.append("observed") #maybe loc should be 'best' but then it bounces around self._axis[0].legend(lines, labels, loc=kwargs_opts['loc'], bbox_to_anchor=kwargs_opts['bbox_to_anchor'], title=kwargs_opts['title'])
[docs] def overlay(self,measurements,**kwargs): '''Overlay one or more single-pixel measurements in the model space :math:`(n,F_{FUV})`. :param measurements: a list of one or more :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` to overlay. :type measurements: list :param shading: Controls how measurements and errors are drawn. If ``shading`` is zero, Measurements will be drawn in solid contour for the value and dashed for the +/- errors. If ``shading`` is between 0 and 1, Measurements are drawn with as filled contours representing the size of the errors (see :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.contourf`) with alpha set to the ``shading`` value. Default value: 0.4 :type shading: float ''' kwargs_opts = {'units': None, 'image':False, 'contours': False, 'meas_color': self._CB_color_cycle, 'levels' : None, 'label': False, 'linewidths': 1.0, 'ncols': 1, 'norm': None, 'title': None, 'reset': True, 'legend': True, 'bbox_to_anchor':None, 'loc':"upper center", 'shading': 0.4} kwargs_opts.update(kwargs) if kwargs_opts['shading'] <0 or kwargs_opts['shading']>1: raise ValueError("Shading must be between 0 and 1 inclusive") ids = [ for m in measurements] meas = dict(zip(ids,measurements)) models = [self._modelset.get_model(i) for i in ids] # need to trim model grids if H2 is present if utils._has_H2(ids) and self._modelset.is_wk2006: warnings.warn("Trimming all model grids to match H2 grid: log(n) = 1-5, log(G0) = 1-5") utils._trim_all_to_H2(models) i =0 nratio = 0 nintensity = 0 for val in models: if np.size(meas[].data) != 1: raise ValueError(f"Can't plot {}. This method only works with single pixel Measurements [len( must be 1]") if i > 0: kwargs_opts['reset']=False # pass the index of the contour color to use via the "secret" colorcounter keyword. self._plot_no_wcs(val,header=None, measurements=[utils.convert_if_necessary(meas[])], colorcounter=i,**kwargs_opts) if val.modeltype == "ratio": nratio=nratio+1 if val.modeltype == "intensity": nintensity=nintensity+1 i = i+1 if kwargs_opts['legend']: if nratio == 0 and nintensity >0: word = "Intensities" elif nratio >0 and nintensity == 0: word = "Ratios" else: word = "Values" lines = [Line2D([0], [0], color=c, linewidth=3, linestyle='-') for c in kwargs_opts['meas_color'][0:i]] labels = [k.title for k in models] self._plt.legend(lines, labels,loc=kwargs_opts['loc'], bbox_to_anchor=kwargs_opts['bbox_to_anchor'], title='Observed '+word)
[docs] def isoplot(self,identifier,plotnaxis,nax_clip=[1000,1E5]*u.Unit("K"),**kwargs): '''Plot lines of constant model parameter as a function of the other model parameter and a model intensity or ratio :param identifier: identifier tag for the model to plot, e.g., "OI_63/CO_21" or "CII_158" :type identifier: str :param plotnaxis: Which NAXIS to use to compute lines of constant value. Since models have two axes, this must be either 1 or 2 :type plotnaxis: int :param nax_clip: The range of model parameters on NAXIS{plotnaxis} to show in the plot. Must be given as a range of astropy quanitities, e.g. [10,1E7]*Unit("cm-3"). Default is None which means plot full range of the parameter. :type nax_clip: array-like, must contain :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param step: Allows skipping of lines of constant value, e.g. plot every `step-th` value. Useful when parameter space is crowded, and a cleaner looking plot is desired. Default: 1 -- plot every value :type step: int ''' kwargs_opts = { 'errorbar':False, 'fmt': None, 'label': None, 'legend': True, 'title': None, 'grid' :True, 'figsize':(8,5), 'linewidth': 2.0, 'aspect': 'auto', 'step': 1, 'logx': False, 'logy': False, 'title': None, 'grid' :True, 'measurements':None, 'bbox_to_anchor':(1.024,1), 'loc':"upper left", 'xaxis_unit':None, 'yaxis_unit':None, 'test':False, } kwargs_opts.update(kwargs) model = self._modelset.get_model(identifier) self._figure,self._axis = self._plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=kwargs_opts['figsize']) # this code substantially copied from phasespace(). At some point # perhaps they can be refactored. if plotnaxis != 1 and plotnaxis !=2: raise ValueError("plotnaxis must be 1 or 2") if plotnaxis == 1: otheraxis = 2 otherindex = 1 if plotnaxis == 2: otheraxis = 1 otherindex = 0 xaxis = ["naxis2","naxis1"] pindex = plotnaxis - 1 naxis_is_log = ['log' in c for c in model.wcs.wcs.ctype] naxis = list(self._get_xy_from_wcs(model,quantity=True,linear=True)) naxislog=self._get_xy_from_wcs(model,quantity=True,linear=False) if nax_clip is None: nax_clip = [naxis[pindex][0].value,naxis[pindex][-1].value]*naxis[pindex].unit[pindex].unit) #Select the model naxis *indices* within the NAX limits xi=np.where((naxis[pindex]>=dcc[0]) & (naxis[pindex]<=dcc[1]))[0] if naxis_is_log[pindex]: # Create an array containing *indices* of the range of naxis[pindex] alues. # -5,12 is a large enough logarithmic range to contain any model we have # this picks out integer values of log(naxis). x2= np.hstack([np.where((np.round(naxislog[pindex].value,1))==i)[0] for i in np.arange(-5,12)]) else: x2 = np.arange(model.wcs._naxis[pindex]) xi2=np.intersect1d(xi,x2) naxis[otherindex],xlabel = utils.rescale_axis_units(naxis[otherindex],naxis[otherindex].unit, model.wcs.wcs.ctype[otherindex],kwargs_opts['xaxis_unit'],loglabel=False) # @TODO possibly support plotaxis_unit lines = [] # convert the yaxis if requested. The yaxis is the pixel values in the model, # which have units as specified in BUNIT header item. bunit = 1.0*u.Unit(model.header.get("BUNIT","")) bscale = 1.0 if kwargs_opts['yaxis_unit'] is not None: bunit =['yaxis_unit']) bscale = bunit.value if bunit != u.dimensionless_unscaled: ylabel = r"{0} [{1:latex_inline}]".format(model.title,bunit.unit) else: ylabel = model.title for j in xi2[::kwargs_opts['step']]: if plotnaxis == 1: yy=bscale*model[0:len(naxis[otherindex]),j] else: yy=bscale*model[j,0:len(naxis[otherindex])] if naxis_is_log[pindex]: label='{0:.1f}'.format(np.round(np.log10(naxis[pindex][j].to(nax_clip.unit).value),1)) else: label='{0:.0f}'.format(np.round(naxis[pindex][j].to(nax_clip.unit).value,0)) lines.extend(self._axis.plot(naxis[otherindex],yy,label=label)) # Format the plot in a sensible way self._axis.set_ylabel(ylabel) self._axis.set_xlabel(xlabel) self._axis.set_aspect(kwargs_opts['aspect']) self._axis.ticklabel_format(axis='both',useMathText=True) if kwargs_opts['logx']: self._axis.set_xscale('log') if kwargs_opts['logy']: self._axis.set_yscale('log') self._axis.tick_params(axis='both',direction='in',which='both') self._axis.tick_params(axis='both',bottom=True,top=True,left=True,right=True, which='both') if kwargs_opts['grid']: self._axis.grid(visible=True,which='major',axis='both', lw=kwargs_opts['linewidth']/2, color='k',alpha=0.33) self._axis.grid(visible=True,which='minor',axis='both', lw=kwargs_opts['linewidth']/2, color='k',alpha=0.22,linestyle='--') if kwargs_opts['legend']: # Manually build the legend. title1 = model.wcs.wcs.ctype[pindex] if "_" in title1: title1 = r"${\rm "+title1+"}$" unit1="["+nax_clip.unit.to_string("latex_inline")+"]" handles,labels=self._axis.get_legend_handles_labels() phantom = [self._axis.plot([],marker="", markersize=0,ls="",lw=0)[0]]*2 labels = [title1,unit1]+labels handles = phantom + lines leg=self._axis.legend(handles,labels,ncol=1,markerfirst=True, bbox_to_anchor=kwargs_opts['bbox_to_anchor'], loc=kwargs_opts['loc']) for vpack in leg._legend_handle_box.get_children(): for hpack in vpack.get_children()[:2]: hpack.get_children()[0].set_width(0) if kwargs_opts['title'] is not None: self._axis.set_title(kwargs_opts['title'])
# note when plotting the units as axis labels, the order is not what we specify in _OBS_UNIT because astropy's Unit class # sorts by power . They have a good reason for this (hashing), but it does mean we get sub-optimal unit ordering. # There is a possible workaround, but it must be custom for each CompositeUnit.
[docs] def phasespace(self,identifiers, nax1_clip=[10,1E7]*u.Unit("cm-3"), nax2_clip=[10,1E6]*utils.habing_unit, reciprocal=[False,False],**kwargs): r'''Plot lines of constant density and radiation field on a ratio-ratio, ratio-intensity, or intensity-intensity map :param identifiers: list of two identifier tags for the model to plot, e.g., ["OI_63/CO_21", "CII_158"] :type identifiers: list of str :param nax1_clip: The range of model densities on NAXIS1 to show in the plot. For most model NAXIS1 is hydrogen number density $n_H$ in cm$^{-3}$. For ionized gas models, it is electron temperature $T_e$ in K. Must be given as a range of astropy quanitities. Default: [10,1E7]*Unit("cm-3") :type nax1_clip: array-like, must contain :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param nax2_clip: The range of model parameters on NAXIS2 to show in the plot. For most models NAXIS2 is radiation field intensities in Habing or cgs units. For ionized gas models, it is electron volume density $n_e$. Must be given as a range of astropy quantities. Default: nax1_clip=[10,1E6]*utils.habing_unit. :type nax2_clip: array-like, must contain :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` :param reciprocal: Whether or not the plot the reciprocal of the model on each axis. Given as a pair of booleans. e.g. [False,True] means don't flip the quantity X axis, but flip quantity the Y axis. i.e. if the model is "CII/OI", and reciprocal=True then the axis will be "OI/CII". Default: [False, False] :type reciprocal: array-like bool The following keywords are supported as \*\*kwargs: :param measurements: A list of two :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`, one for each `identifier`, that will be used to plot a data point on the grid. At least two Measurements, one for x and one for y, must be given. Subsequent Measurements must also be paired since they represent x and y, e.g `[m1x, m1y, m2x, m2y,...]`. Measurement *data* and *uncertainty* members may be arrays. Default: None :type measurements: array-like of :class:`~pdrtpy.measurment.Measurement`. :param errorbar: Plot error bars when given measurements. Default: True :type errorbar: bool :param fmt: The format to use when plotting Measurement data. There should be one for each pair of Measurements. See :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot` for examples. Default is 'sk' for all points. :type fmt: array of str :param label: The label(s) to use the Measurement data legend. There should be one for each pair of Measurements. Default is 'data' for all points. :type label: array of str :param legend: Draw a legend on the plot. Default: True :type legend: bool :param title: Title to draw on the plot. Default: None :type title: str :param linewidth: line width :type linewidth: float :param grid: show grid or not, Default: True :type grid: bool :param figsize: Figure dimensions (width, height) in inches. Default: (8,5) :type figsize: 2-tuple of floats :param capsize: end cap length of errorbars if shown, in points. Default: 3. :type capsize: float :param markersize: size of data point marker in points. Default: 8 :type markersize: float ''' kwargs_opts = {'errorbar':False, 'fmt': None, 'label': None, 'legend': True, 'measurements':None, 'title': None, 'grid' :True, 'figsize':(8,5), 'linewidth': 2.0, 'capsize': 5.0, 'markersize': 8.0, 'aspect': 'auto', 'bbox_to_anchor':(1.024,1), 'loc':"upper left" } kwargs_opts.update(kwargs) # various input checks if len(list(identifiers)) != 2: raise ValueError("Length of identifiers list must be exactly 2") models = [self._modelset.get_model(i) for i in identifiers] mids = [ for m in models] mdict = dict(zip(mids,models)) if kwargs_opts['measurements'] is not None: for m in kwargs_opts['measurements']: if type(m) is not Measurement: raise TypeError("measurement keyword value must be a list of Measurements") if not in mids: raise TypeError(f"Can't find measurement identifier {} in model list {mids}.") if mdict[]._unit != m.unit: raise TypeError(f"Model and Measurement for {} have different units: ({mdict[]._unit},{m.unit})") # Now we need to find the model points that fall within the user-specified NAXIS limits. # First get the x,y of the models xlog,ylog=self._get_xy_from_wcs(models[0],quantity=True,linear=False) xlin,ylin=self._get_xy_from_wcs(models[0],quantity=True,linear=True) x_is_log = 'log' in models[0].wcs.wcs.ctype[0] y_is_log = 'log' in models[0].wcs.wcs.ctype[1] # linear and log units are same so doesn't matter which is used for conversion # Select the model x,y *indices* within the NAX limits xi=np.where((xlin>=dcc[0]) & (xlin<=dcc[1]))[0] yi=np.where((ylin>=rcc[0]) & (ylin<=rcc[1]))[0] # Create an array containing *indices* of the range of x,y values. # -5,12 is a large enough logarithmic range to contain any model we have if x_is_log: x2= np.hstack([np.where((np.round(xlog.value,1))==i)[0] for i in np.arange(-5,12)]) else: x2 = np.arange(len(xlin)) # for 2020 models FUV is not an integral value in erg s-1 cm-2 # so rounding is necessary. if y_is_log: y2 = np.hstack([np.where((np.round(ylog.value,1))==i)[0] for i in np.arange(-5,12)]) else: y2 = np.arange(len(ylin)) # Intersection of these two arrays contain the indices of desired model plot points. xi2=np.intersect1d(xi,x2) yi2=np.intersect1d(yi,y2) self._figure,self._axis = self._plt.subplots(nrows=1,ncols=1,figsize=kwargs_opts['figsize']) linesN=[] linesG=[] # Sort out the axes labels depending on whether reciprocal=True or not. for j in xi2: if x_is_log: label=np.round(np.log10(xlin[j].to(nax1_clip.unit).value),1) else: label='{0:.0f}'.format(np.round(xlin[j].to(nax1_clip.unit).value,0)) if models[0].unit == '': m0label = models[0].title else: m0label = models[0].title + ' ['+u.Unit(models[0].unit).to_string('latex_inline')+']' if models[1].unit == '': m1label = models[1].title else: m1label = models[1].title + ' ['+u.Unit(models[1].unit).to_string('latex_inline')+']' if reciprocal[0]: xx=1/models[0][yi2[0]:yi2[-1]+1,j] self._axis.set_xlabel(utils.fliplabel(m0label)) else: xx=models[0][yi2[0]:yi2[-1]+1,j] self._axis.set_xlabel(m0label) if reciprocal[1]: yy=1/models[1][yi2[0]:yi2[-1]+1,j] self._axis.set_ylabel(utils.fliplabel(m1label)) else: yy=models[1][yi2[0]:yi2[-1]+1,j] self._axis.set_ylabel(m1label) linesN.extend(self._axis.loglog(xx,yy,label=label,lw=2)) for j in yi2: if y_is_log: label=np.round(np.log10(ylin[j].to(nax2_clip.unit).value),1) else: label='{0:.0f}'.format(np.round(ylin[j].to(nax2_clip.unit).value,0)) if reciprocal[0]: xx=1/models[0][j,xi2[0]:xi2[-1]+1] else: xx=models[0][j,xi2[0]:xi2[-1]+1] if reciprocal[1]: yy=1/models[1][j,xi2[0]:xi2[-1]+1] else: yy=models[1][j,xi2[0]:xi2[-1]+1] linesG.extend(self._axis.loglog(xx,yy,label=label,lw=2,ls='--')) # plot the input measurement with error bar. Keywords are # [m1x,m1y,m2x,m2y,...] # [fmt1,fmt2,...] # [label1,label2,...] if kwargs_opts['measurements'] is not None: l_meas = len(kwargs_opts['measurements']) if l_meas %2 != 0: msg = f"Number of Measurements must be even. You provided {l_meas}" raise ValueError(msg) n_meas = int(l_meas/2) fmt = kwargs_opts['fmt'] # Set the default format to black squares. if fmt is None: fmt = np.full([n_meas],"sk") elif len(fmt) != n_meas: msg = f"Number of plot formats {len(fmt)} doesn't match number of Measurement pairs {n_meas}." raise ValueError(msg) label = kwargs_opts['label'] if label is None: label = ["data"] elif len(label) != n_meas: msg = f"Number of data labels {len(label)} doesn't match number of Measurement pairs {n_meas}." raise ValueError(msg) args = [] i=0 # ensure measurements are assigned to correct axis, based on their identifiers. for k in range(0,l_meas,2): kk=k+1 if kwargs_opts['measurements'][k].id == identifiers[0]: _x = kwargs_opts['measurements'][k] _y = kwargs_opts['measurements'][kk] else: _x = kwargs_opts['measurements'][kk] _y = kwargs_opts['measurements'][k] # collect the args args.extend([_x,_y,fmt[i]]) # Plot the error bars. Since, unlike axis.loglog(), axis.errorbar() can't # take a *args, we have to call this each time. # Note use of zorder to ensure points are on top of lines. if kwargs_opts['errorbar']: self._axis.errorbar(,,xerr=_x.error,yerr=_y.error, capsize=kwargs_opts['capsize'],fmt=fmt[i],capthick=2,ls=None,zorder=6, markersize=kwargs_opts['markersize']) i=i+1 # the data points dataline = self._axis.loglog(*args,zorder=5,markersize=kwargs_opts['markersize']) self._axis.set_aspect(kwargs_opts['aspect']) self._axis.set_xscale('log') self._axis.set_yscale('log') self._axis.tick_params(axis='both',direction='in',which='both') self._axis.tick_params(axis='both',bottom=True,top=True,left=True,right=True, which='both') if kwargs_opts['grid']: self._axis.grid(visible=True,which='major',axis='both',lw=kwargs_opts['linewidth']/2, color='k',alpha=0.33) self._axis.grid(visible=True,which='minor',axis='both',lw=kwargs_opts['linewidth']/2, color='k',alpha=0.22,linestyle='--') if kwargs_opts['legend']: # Manually build the legend. Create the column headers for the legend # and blank handles and labels to take up space for the headers and # when the number of naxis1 and naxis2 traces # are not equal. title1 = models[0].wcs.wcs.ctype[0] if "_" in title1: title1 = r"${\rm "+title1+"}$" unit1="["+nax1_clip.unit.to_string("latex_inline")+"]" rs = nax2_clip.unit.to_string() rsl = nax2_clip.unit.to_string("latex_inline") if "G0" in models[0].wcs.wcs.ctype[1] or "FUV" in models[0].wcs.wcs.ctype[1]: title2 = "log("+utils.get_rad(rs)+")" else: title2 = models[0].wcs.wcs.ctype[1] if "_" in title2: title2 = r"${\rm "+title2+"}$" unit2="["+rsl+"]" handles,labels=self._axis.get_legend_handles_labels() phantom = [self._axis.plot([],marker="", markersize=0,ls="",lw=0)[0]]*2 lN = len(linesN) lG = len(linesG) diff = lN-lG adiff=abs(diff) phantom2 = [self._axis.plot([],marker="", markersize=0,ls="",lw=0)[0]]*adiff blank = ['']*adiff if diff == 0: labels.insert(lN,unit2) labels.insert(lN,title2) labels = [title1,unit1]+labels linesN = phantom + linesN linesG = phantom + linesG elif diff > 0: # more densities than radiation fields labels.insert(lN,unit2) labels.insert(lN,title2) labels = [title1,unit1]+labels + blank linesN = phantom + linesN linesG = phantom + linesG + phantom2 elif diff < 0: # more radiation fields than densities labels = labels[0:lN]+blank+labels[lN:] labels.insert(lN+adiff,unit2) labels.insert(lN+adiff,title2) labels = [title1,unit1]+labels linesN = phantom + linesN + phantom2 linesG = phantom + linesG handles = linesN+linesG # add a second legend if user supplied measurements if kwargs_opts['measurements'] is not None: dl = self._axis.legend(dataline,label,loc='best') self._axis.add_artist(dl) leg=self._axis.legend(handles,labels,ncol=2, markerfirst=True, bbox_to_anchor=kwargs_opts['bbox_to_anchor'], loc=kwargs_opts['loc']) # trick to remove extra left side space in legend column headers. # doesn't completely center the headers, but gets as close as possible # See for vpack in leg._legend_handle_box.get_children(): for hpack in vpack.get_children()[:2]: hpack.get_children()[0].set_width(0) # Put the plot title on if given. if kwargs_opts['title'] is not None: self._axis.set_title(kwargs_opts['title'])
def _get_xy_from_wcs(self,data,quantity=False,linear=False): """Get the x,y axis vectors from the WCS of the input data. :param data: the input image :type data: :class:``, :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. :param quantity: If True, return the arrays as :class:`astropy.units.Quantity`. If False, the returned arrays are :class:`numpy.ndarray`. :type quantity: bool :param linear: If True, returned arrays are in linear space, if False they are in log space. :type linear: bool :return: The axis values as arrays. Values are center of pixel. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` """ return utils.get_xy_from_wcs(data,quantity,linear) #@todo allow data to be an array? see overlay() def _plot_no_wcs(self,data,header=None,**kwargs): '''generic plotting method for images with no WCS, used by other plot methods''' measurements= kwargs.pop("measurements",None) _dataheader = getattr(data,"header",None) if _dataheader is None and header is None: raise Exception("Either your data must have a header dictionary or you must provide one via the header parameter") # input header supercedes data header, under assumption user knows what they are doing. if header is not None: _header = deepcopy(header) if getattr(data,"wcs",None) is None: data.wcs = wcs.WCS(_dataheader) else: _header = deepcopy(_dataheader) # CRxxx might be in wcs and not in header if getattr(data,"wcs",None) is not None: _header.update(data.wcs.to_header()) else: # needed for get_xy_from_wcs call later. data.wcs = wcs.WCS(_header) # however, get the usual complaint about non-FITS units # in WCS, so remove them here because they aren't needed. # We have to convolute ourselves later to add them back in! data.wcs.wcs.cunit = ["" for i in range(data.wcs.naxis)] kwargs_opts = {'units' : None, 'image':True, 'colorbar': False, 'contours': True, 'label': False, 'title':None, 'xaxis_unit': None, 'yaxis_unit': None, 'logx': True, 'xlim':None, 'logy': True, 'ylim':None, 'legend': False, 'meas_color': ['#4daf4a'], 'shading': 0.4, 'test':False, } kwargs_contour = {'levels': None, 'colors': ['white'], 'linewidths': 1.0} # Merge in any keys the user provided, overriding defaults. kwargs_contour.update(kwargs) kwargs_opts.update(kwargs) #if self._tool is not None: # if self._tool._modelnaxis is None and "NAXIS" not in _header: # raise Exception("Image header/WCS has no NAXIS keyword") if "NAXIS" not in _header: raise Exception("Image header/WCS has no NAXIS keyword") else: _naxis = _header["NAXIS"] if _naxis == 2: if kwargs_opts['units'] is not None: k =['units'], data) else: k = data elif _naxis == 3: if kwargs_opts['units'] is not None: k =['units'], data[0,:,:]) else: k = data[0,:,:] else: raise Exception("Unexpected NAXIS value: %d"%_naxis) km = ma.masked_invalid(k) if getattr(k,"mask",None) is not None: km.mask = np.logical_or(k.mask,km.mask) # make sure nans don't affect the color map min_ = np.nanmin(km) max_ = np.nanmax(km) kwargs_imshow = { 'origin': 'lower', 'norm': 'simple', 'stretch': 'linear', 'vmin': min_, 'vmax': max_, 'cmap': 'plasma', 'aspect': 'auto'} kwargs_subplot = {'nrows': 1, 'ncols': 1, 'index': 1, 'reset': True, 'constrained_layout': False, 'projection': data.wcs } # delay merge until min_ and max_ are known kwargs_imshow.update(kwargs) _norm=self._get_norm(kwargs_imshow['norm'],km, kwargs_imshow['vmin'],kwargs_imshow['vmax'], kwargs_imshow['stretch']) kwargs_subplot.update(kwargs) # swap ncols and nrows in figsize to preserve aspect ratio kwargs_subplot['figsize'] = kwargs.get("figsize",(kwargs_subplot["ncols"]*5,kwargs_subplot["nrows"]*5)) axidx = kwargs_subplot['index']-1 if kwargs_subplot['reset']: # @todo can probably consolidate this self._figure,self._axis = self._plt.subplots( kwargs_subplot['nrows'],kwargs_subplot['ncols'], figsize=kwargs_subplot['figsize'], subplot_kw={'aspect':kwargs_imshow['aspect']}, constrained_layout=kwargs_subplot['constrained_layout']) # Make sure self._axis is an array because we will index it below. if type(self._axis) is not np.ndarray: self._axis = np.array([self._axis]) # When using ncols>1, either the index needs to be 2-d # or the axis array needs to be 1-d. This takes the second approach: if len(self._axis.shape) > 1: self._axis = self._axis.flatten() ax1='1' #Why hardcoded? leftover from something methinks ax2='2' # make the x and y axes. Since the models are computed on a log grid, we # use logarithmic ticks. x,y = self._get_xy_from_wcs(data,quantity=True,linear=True) loglabel = not kwargs_opts['logx'] x,xlab = utils.rescale_axis_units(x,_header['CUNIT'+ax1],_header['CTYPE'+ax1],kwargs_opts['xaxis_unit'],loglabel) loglabel = not kwargs_opts['logy'] y,ylab = utils.rescale_axis_units(y,_header['CUNIT'+ax2],_header['CTYPE'+ax2],kwargs_opts['yaxis_unit'],loglabel) # Finish up axes details. locmaj = ticker.LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=(1.0, ),numticks=10) locmin = ticker.LogLocator(base=10.0, subs='auto',numticks=10) locmaj2 = ticker.LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=(1.0, ),numticks=10) locmin2 = ticker.LogLocator(base=10.0, subs='auto',numticks=10) if kwargs_opts['logx']: # order matters here: set_xscale will set a default LogLocator with ticks every 2 decades, so we need to override that. self._axis[axidx].set_xscale('log') self._axis[axidx].xaxis.set_major_locator(locmaj) self._axis[axidx].xaxis.set_minor_locator(locmin) self._axis[axidx].xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) if kwargs_opts['logy']: self._axis[axidx].set_yscale('log') self._axis[axidx].yaxis.set_major_locator(locmaj2) self._axis[axidx].yaxis.set_minor_locator(locmin2) self._axis[axidx].yaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.NullFormatter()) self._axis[axidx].set_ylabel(ylab) self._axis[axidx].set_xlabel(xlab) if kwargs_opts['xlim'] is not None: xlim = kwargs_opts['xlim'] self._axis[axidx].set_xlim(left=xlim[0],right=xlim[1]) if kwargs_opts['ylim'] is not None: ylim = kwargs_opts['ylim'] self._axis[axidx].set_ylim(bottom=ylim[0],top=ylim[1]) if kwargs_opts['image']: # pass shading = auto to avoid deprecation warning # see im = self._axis[axidx].pcolormesh(x.value,y.value,km,cmap=kwargs_imshow['cmap'], norm=_norm,shading='auto') if kwargs_opts['colorbar']: cbar = self._figure.colorbar(im, ax=self._axis[axidx]) if kwargs_imshow['norm'].lower() != "log": #avoid AttributeError: 'LogFormatterSciNotation' object has no attribute 'set_powerlimits' cbar.formatter = ticker.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) cbar.formatter.set_scientific(True) cbar.formatter.set_powerlimits((0,0)) cbar.update_ticks() if "BUNIT" in _header: lstr = u.Unit(_header["BUNIT"]).to_string('latex_inline'),rotation=90) if kwargs_opts['contours']: if kwargs_contour['levels'] is None: # Figure out some autolevels kwargs_contour['levels'] = self._autolevels(km,'log') # suppress warnings about unused keywords and potential error # about cmap not being None. Also norm being a string will cause an error # in matplotlib==3.3.1+ #@todo need a better solution for this, it is not scalable. for kx in ['units', 'image', 'contours', 'label', 'title', 'cmap','aspect','colorbar','reset', 'nrows', 'ncols', 'index','yaxis_unit','xaxis_unit','norm','legend','figsize', 'constrained_layout','figsize','stretch']: kwargs_contour.pop(kx,None) warnings.simplefilter('ignore',category=UserWarning) contourset = self._axis[axidx].contour(x.value,y.value,, **kwargs_contour) warnings.resetwarnings() if kwargs_opts['label']: drawn = self._axis[axidx].clabel(contourset,contourset.levels,inline=True,fmt='%1.2e') if kwargs_opts['title'] is not None and not kwargs_opts['legend']: self._axis[axidx].set_title(kwargs_opts['title']) if measurements is None: mlen = 0 else: mlen = len(measurements) if len(kwargs_opts['meas_color']) < mlen: raise ValueError(f"Number of measurement colors (meas_color keyword) must match number of measurements ({mlen})") if measurements is not None: lstyles = ['--','-','--'] # for serial calls to plot_no_wcs in an outside method (i.e. lineratioplot.overlay_all_ratios), # we need to keep track of the index for the measurement color, otherwise we always # select color index 0, resulting in all measurements contours having the same color. # this is a kluge but it's all I can think of right now. if 'colorcounter' in kwargs: jj = kwargs['colorcounter'] else: jj = 0 for m in measurements: # for the case of colorcounter kluge len(m) will always be 1, so we don't # run into issues with incrementing of jj interfering with colorcounter. colors = kwargs_opts['meas_color'][jj]*mlen if kwargs_opts['shading'] != 0: cset = self._axis[axidx].contourf(x.value,y.value,,levels=m.levels, colors=colors,alpha=kwargs_opts['shading']) # Add extra call to plot contour because savefig("file.pdf") # gets zorder of shading vs. contour wrong and contour lines # don't show up. Only a bug when output is pdf. Harumph. # See cset2 = self._axis[axidx].contour(x.value, y.value,, levels=[m.levels[1]], colors=colors, alpha=kwargs_opts['shading']) else: cset = self._axis[axidx].contour(x.value,y.value,,levels=m.levels, linestyles=lstyles, colors=colors) jj=jj+1