Source code for pdrtpy.pdrutils

### Utility code for PDR Toolbox.

import datetime
import os.path
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.constants import k_B
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.units.format.latex import Latex

from pdrtpy import version

# Radiation Field Strength units in cgs
_RFS_UNIT_ = u.erg/(u.second**
_OBS_UNIT_ = u.erg/(u.second***
_CM = u.Unit("cm")
_CM2 = u.Unit("cm-2")
_K = u.Unit("K")
_KKMS = u.Unit("K km s-1")
LOGE = np.log10(np.e)
LN10 = np.log(10)

# ISRF in other units
#The wavelength of 1110 Ang is the longest wavelength for H2 excitation,
#but photoelectric heating can occur at longer wavelengths.
#We use  6eV to 13.6 eV, or 912 - 2066 Ang. For this range
#Draine is 1.7G_0, and Mathis is 1.13 G_0.
# See Weingartner and Draine 2001, ApJS, 134, 263, section 4.1

habing_unit = u.def_unit('Habing',1.60E-3*_RFS_UNIT_)
r"""The Habing radiation field unit

   :math:`{\rm 1~Habing = 1.6\times 10^{-3}~erg~s^{-1}~cm^{-2}}`
draine_unit = u.def_unit('Draine',2.72E-3*_RFS_UNIT_)
r"""The Draine radiation field unit

    :math:`{\rm 1~Draine = 2.72\times10^{-3}~erg~s^{-1}~cm^{-2}}`
mathis_unit = u.def_unit('Mathis',1.81E-3*_RFS_UNIT_)
r"""The Mathis radiation field unit

    :math:`{\rm 1~Mathis = 1.81\times10^{-3}~erg~s^{-1}~cm^{-2}}`

ion_unit = u.def_unit("ion")  # number of ions

_rad_title = dict()
_rad_title['Habing'] = '$G_0$'
_rad_title['Draine'] = '$\chi$'
_rad_title['Mathis'] = 'FUV'

# these only work if pdrtpy-nb is inside pdrtpy.
# need to fix or remove.
def _nbversion():
    return open("../VERSION","r").readline().strip(*"\n")
[docs]def check_nb(): nbv = _nbversion() ver = version() if nbv != ver: # How do I suppress the stacktrace of the warning itself?! # warnings.warn("The version of this notebook does not match the version of pdrtpy. You may be missing some functionality. For best results, upgrade both pdtpry and pdrtpy-nb to the latest version.",stacklevel=0) print(f"WARNING: Your version of the PDRT notebooks does [{nbv:s}] not match your version of pdrtpy [{ver:s}]. You may be missing some functionality. For best results, upgrade both pdtpry and pdrtpy-nb to the latest version. See") else: print("Your PDRT notebooks version matches your pdrtpy version -- hooray!")
[docs]def get_rad(key): """Get radiation field symbol (LaTeX) given radiation field unit. If key is unrecognized, 'FUV Radiation Field' is returned. :param key: input field unit name, e.g. 'Habing', 'Draine' or an :class:`astropy.units.Unit` :returns: LaTeX string for the radiation field symbol e.g., :math:`G_0`, :math:`\chi` :type key: str or :class:`astropy.units.Unit` :rtype: str """ skey = str(key) # in case the passed key was a Unit if skey in _rad_title: return _rad_title[skey] else: return "FUV"
# this didn't work #density_unit = u.def_unit("1/cm3",1/(** #u.add_enabled_units(density_unit) #See # only works python 3.8+?? #def module_property(func): # """Decorator to turn module functions into properties. # Function names must be prefixed with an underscore.""" # module = sys.modules[func.__module__] # # def base_getattr(name): # raise AttributeError( # f"module '{module.__name__}' has no fucking attribute '{name}'") # # old_getattr = getattr(module, '__getattr__', base_getattr) # # def new_getattr(name): # if f'_{name}' == func.__name__: # return func() # else: # return old_getattr(name) # # module.__getattr__ = new_getattr # return func #@module_property #def _version(): #@todo check_header_present(list) to return boolean array of keywwords # present or not in a FITS header #@module_property #def _now():
[docs]def now(): """ :returns: a string representing the current date and time in ISO format """ return
#@module_property #def _root_dir(): #@TODO use and pkg_resources to do this properly
[docs]def root_dir(): """Project root directory, including trailing slash :rtype: str """ #return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' return str(root_path())+'/'
[docs]def root_path(): """Project root directory as path :rtype: :py:mod:`Path` """ return Path(__file__).parent
[docs]def testdata_dir(): """Project test data directory, including trailing slash :rtype: str """ return os.path.join(root_dir(),'testdata/')
[docs]def get_testdata(filename): """Get fully qualified pathname to FITS test data file. :param filename: input filename, no path :type filename: str """ return testdata_dir()+filename
[docs]def model_dir(): """Project model directory, including trailing slash :rtype: str """ return os.path.join(root_dir(),'models/')
[docs]def table_dir(): """Project ancillary tables directory, including trailing slash :rtype: str """ return os.path.join(root_dir(),'tables/')
def _tablename(filename): """Return fully qualified path of the input table. :param filename: input table file name :type filename: str :rtype: str """ return table_dir()+filename
[docs]def get_table(filename,format='ipac',path=None): """Return an astropy Table read from the input filename. :param filename: input filename, no path :type filename: str :param format: file format, Default: "ipac" :type format: str :param path: path to filename relative to models directory. Default of None means look in "tables" directory :type path: str :rtype: :class:`astropy.table.Table` """ if path is None: return,format=format) else: return,format=format)
######################### # FITS KEYWORD utilities #########################
[docs]def addkey(key,value,image): """Add a (FITS) keyword,value pair to the image header :param key: The keyword to add to the header :type key: str :param value: the value for the keyword :type value: any native type :param image: The image which to add the key,val to. :type image: :class:``, :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. """ if key in image.header and type(value) == str: s = str(image.header[key]) # avoid concatenating duplicates if s != value: image.header[key] = str(image.header[key])+" "+value else: image.header[key]=value
[docs]def comment(value,image): """Add a comment to an image header :param value: the value for the comment :type value: str :param image: The image which to add the comment to :type image: :class:``, :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. """ # direct assignment will always make a new card for COMMENT # See image.header["COMMENT"]=value
[docs]def history(value,image): """Add a history record to an image header :param value: the value for the history record :type value: str :param image: The image which to add the HISTORY to :type image: :class:``, :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. """ # direct assignment will always make a new card for HISTORY image.header["HISTORY"]=value
[docs]def setkey(key,value,image): """Set the value of an existing keyword in the image header :param key: The keyword to set in the header :type key: str :param value: the value for the keyword :type value: any native type :param image: The image which to add the key,val to. :type image: :class:``, :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. """ image.header[key]=value
[docs]def dataminmax(image): """Set the data maximum and minimum in image header :param image: The image which to add the key,val to. :type image: :class:``, :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. """ setkey("DATAMIN",np.nanmin(,image) setkey("DATAMAX",np.nanmax(,image)
[docs]def signature(image): """Add AUTHOR and DATE keywords to the image header Author is 'PDR Toolbox', date as returned by now() :param image: The image which to add the key,val to. :type image: :class:``, :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. """ setkey("AUTHOR","PDR Toolbox "+version(),image) setkey("DATE",now(),image)
[docs]def firstkey(d): """Return the "first" key in a dictionary :param d: the dictionary :type d: dict """ return list(d)[0]
[docs]def warn(cls,msg): """Issue a warning :param cls: The calling Class :type cls: Class :param msg: The warning message :type msg: str """ # use stacklevel=3 so we get a reference to the caller of # pdrutils.warn(). warnings.warn(cls.__class__.__name__+": "+msg,stacklevel=3)
#@module_property ################################################################ # Conversions between various units of Radiation Field Strength # See table on page 18 of # ################################################################
[docs]def check_units(input_unit,compare_to): """Check if the input unit is equivalent to another. :param input_unit: the unit to check. :type input_unit: :class:`astropy.units.Unit`, :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` or str :param compare_unit: the unit to check against :type compare_unit: :class:`astropy.units.Unit`, :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` or str :return: `True` if the input unit is equivalent to compare unit, `False` otherwise """ if isinstance(input_unit,u.Unit): test_unit = input_unit if isinstance(input_unit,u.Quantity): test_unit = input_unit.unit else: # assume it is a string test_unit = u.Unit(input_unit) if isinstance(compare_to,u.Unit): compare_unit = compare_to if isinstance(compare_to,u.Quantity): compare_unit = compare_to.unit else: # assume it is a string compare_unit = u.Unit(compare_to) return test_unit.is_equivalent(compare_unit)
[docs]def is_rad(input_unit): return check_units(input_unit,_RFS_UNIT_)
[docs]def to(unit,image): r"""Convert the image values to another unit. While generally this is intended for converting radiation field strength maps between Habing, Draine, cgs, etc, it will work for any image that has a unit member variable. So, e.g., it would work to convert density from :math:`{\rm cm ^{-3}}` to :math:`{\rm m^{-3}}`. If the input image is a :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`, its uncertainty will also be converted. :param unit: identifying the unit to convert to :type unit: string or `astropy.units.Unit` :param image: the image to convert. It must have a :class:`numpy.ndarray` data member and :class:`astropy.units.Unit` unit member. :type image: :class:``, :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. :return: an image with converted values and units """ #print("converting [%s] in %s to [%s]"%(image.unit,image.header["TITLE"],unit)) #@todo check out NDDataArray.convert_unit_to # # todo equivalencies needed for e.g. temperature value = newmap = deepcopy(image) = * value newmap.unit = u.Unit(unit) #@TODO deal with identifier. # deal with uncertainty in Measurements. if getattr(newmap,"_uncertainty") is not None: newmap._uncertainty.array = newmap.uncertainty.array * value newmap._uncertainty.unit = u.Unit(unit) return newmap
[docs]def toHabing(image): r"""Convert a radiation field strength image to Habing units :math:`(G_0)`. :math:`{\rm G_0 \equiv 1~Habing = 1.6\times10^{-3}~erg~s^{-1}~cm^{-2}}` between 6eV and 13.6eV (912-2066 :math:`\unicode{xC5}`). See `Weingartner and Draine 2001, ApJS, 134, 263 <>`_, section 4.1 :param image: the image to convert. It must have a :class:`numpy.ndarray` data member and :class:`astropy.units.Unit` unit member. :type image: :class:``, :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. :return: an image with converted values and units """ return to('Habing',image)
[docs]def toDraine(image): r"""Convert a radiation field strength image to Draine units (\chi). :math:`{\rm 1~Draine = 2.72\times10^{-3}~erg~s^{-1}~cm^{-2}}` between 6eV and 13.6eV (912-2066 :math:`\unicode{xC5}`). See `Weingartner and Draine 2001, ApJS, 134, 263 <>`_, section 4.1 :param image: the image to convert. It must have a :class:`numpy.ndarray` data member and :class:`astropy.units.Unit` unit member. :type image: :class:``, :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. :return: an image with converted values and units """ return to('Draine',image)
[docs]def toMathis(image): r"""Convert a radiation field strength image to Mathis units :math:`{\rm 1~Mathis = 1.81\times10^{-3}~erg~s^{-1}~cm^{-2}}` between 6eV and 13.6eV (912-2066 :math:`\unicode{xC5}`). See `Weingartner and Draine 2001, ApJS, 134, 263 <>`_, section 4.1 :param image: the image to convert. It must have a :class:`numpy.ndarray` data member and :class:`astropy.units.Unit` unit member. :type image: :class:``, :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. :return: an image with converted values and units """ return to('Mathis',image)
[docs]def tocgs(image): r"""Convert a radiation field strength image to :math:`{\rm erg~s^{-1}~cm^{-2}}`. :param image: the image to convert. It must have a :class:`numpy.ndarray` data member and :class:`astropy.units.Unit` unit member. :type image: :class:``, :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. :return: an image with converted values and units """ return to(_RFS_UNIT_,image)
[docs]def convert_integrated_intensity(image,wavelength=None): # cute. Put r in front of docstring to prevent python interpreter from # processing \. Otherwise \times gets interpreted as tab imes # r"""Convert integrated intensity from :math:`{\rm K~km~s}^{-1}` to :math:`{\rm erg~s^{-1}~cm^{-2}~sr^{-1}}`, assuming :math:`B_\lambda d\lambda = 2kT/\lambda^3 dV` where :math:`T dV` is the integrated intensity in K km/s and :math:`\lambda` is the wavelength. The derivation: .. math:: B_\lambda = 2 h c^2/\lambda^5 {1\over{exp[hc/\lambda k T] - 1}} The integrated line is :math:`B_\lambda d\lambda` and for :math:`hc/\lambda k T << 1`: .. math:: B_\lambda d\lambda = 2c^2/\lambda^5 \times (\lambda kT/hc)~d\lambda The relationship between velocity and wavelength, :math:`dV = \lambda/c~d\lambda`, giving .. math:: B_\lambda d\lambda = 2\times10^5~kT/\lambda^3~dV, with :math:`\lambda` in cm, the factor :math:`10^5` is to convert :math:`dV` in :math:`{\rm km~s}^{-1}` to :math:`{\rm cm~s}^{-1}`. :param image: the image to convert. It must have a :class:`numpy.ndarray` data member and :class:`astropy.units.Unit` unit member or header BUNIT keyword. It's units must be K km/s :type image: :class:``, :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. :param wavelength: the wavelength of the observation. The default is to determine wavelength from the image header RESTFREQ keyword :type wavelength: :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` :return: an image with converted values and units """ f = image.header.get("RESTFREQ",None) if f is None and wavelength is None: raise Exception("Image header has no RESTFREQ. You must supply wavelength") if f is not None and wavelength is None: # FITS restfreq's are in Hz wavelength = u.Quantity(f,"Hz").to(_CM,equivalencies=u.spectral()) if image.header.get("BUNIT",None) is None: raise Exception("Image BUNIT must be present and equal to 'K km/s'") if u.Unit(image.header.get("BUNIT")) != _KKMS: raise Exception("Image BUNIT must be 'K km/s'") factor = 2E5*k_B/wavelength**3 print("Converting K km/s to %s using Factor = %s"%(_OBS_UNIT_, "{0:+0.3E}".format(factor.decompose(u.cgs.bases)))) newmap = deepcopy(image) value = factor.decompose(u.cgs.bases).value = * value newmap.unit = _OBS_UNIT_ # deal with uncertainty in Measurements. if getattr(newmap,"_uncertainty") is not None: newmap._uncertainty.array = newmap.uncertainty.array * value newmap._uncertainty.unit = _OBS_UNIT_ return newmap
[docs]def convert_if_necessary(image): r"""Helper method to convert integrated intensity units in an image or Measurement from :math:`{\rm K~km~s}^{-1}` to :math:`{\rm erg~s^{-1}~cm^{-2}~sr^{-1}}`. If a conversion is necessary, the :meth:`convert_integrated_intensity` is called. If not, the image is returned unchanged. :param image: the image to convert. It must have a :class:`numpy.ndarray` data member and :class:`astropy.units.Unit` unit member or a header BUNIT keyword. It's units must be :math:`{\rm K~km~s}^{-1}`. It must also have a header RESTFREQ keyword. :type image: :class:``, :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. :return: an image with converted values and units """ _u1 = u.Unit(image.header["BUNIT"]) _u2 = u.Unit("K km s-1") if _u1 == _u2: return convert_integrated_intensity(image) else: return image
[docs]def mask_union(arrays): """Return the union mask (logical OR) of the input masked arrays. This is useful when doing arithmetic on images that don't have identical masks and you want the most restrictive mask. :param arrays: masked arrays to unionize :type arrays: :class:`` :rtype: mask """ z = list() for m in arrays: z.append(m.mask) return np.any(z,axis=0)
[docs]def dropaxis(w): """ Drop the first single dimension axis from a World Coordiante System. Returns the modified WCS if it had a single dimension axis or the original WCS if not. :param w: a WCS :type w: :class:`astropy.wcs.WCS` :rtype: :class:`astropy.wcs.WCS` """ for i in range(len(w._naxis)): if w._naxis[i] == 1: return w.dropaxis(i) return w
[docs]def has_single_axis(w): """Check if the input WCS has any single dimension axes :param w: a WCS :type w: :class:`astropy.wcs.WCS` :return: True if the input WCS has any single dimension axes, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ for i in range(len(w._naxis)): if w._naxis[i] == 1: return True return False
[docs]def squeeze(image): """Remove single-dimensional entries from image data and WCS. :param image: the image to convert. It must have a :class:`numpy.ndarray` data member and :class:`astropy.units.Unit` unit member. :type image: :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. :return: an image with single axes removed :rtype: :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` as input """ while has_single_axis(image.wcs): image.wcs = dropaxis(image.wcs) # np.squeeze is a no-op if there are no dimensions to squeeze if is not None: = np.squeeze( if image.uncertainty is not None: image.uncertainty._array = np.squeeze(image.uncertainty._array) if image.mask is not None: image.mask = np.squeeze(image.mask) # update the header which can be independent of WCS image.header["NAXIS"] = image.wcs.wcs.naxis i = image.wcs.wcs.naxis+1 nax = "NAXIS"+str(i) while image.header.pop(nax,None) is not None: i=i+1 nax = "NAXIS"+str(i) return image
[docs]def fliplabel(label): """Given a label that has a numerator and a denominator separated by a '/', return the reciprocal label. For example, if the input label is '(x+y)/z' return 'z/(x+y)'. This method simply looks for the '/' and swaps the substrings before and after it. :param label: the label to flip :type label: str :return: the reciprocal label :rtype: str :raises ValueError: if the input label has no '/' """ ii = label.index('/') return label[ii+1:]+'/'+label[0:ii]
# partly stolen from astropy.quantity.to_string, will also work with Measurements
[docs]def float_formatter(quantity,precision): format_spec = '.{}g'.format(precision) number = Latex.format_exponential_notation(np.squeeze(quantity.value), format_spec=format_spec) # strip the $ signs unit = quantity.unit.to_string('latex_inline')[1:-1] return f'{number}~{unit}'
[docs]def is_image(image): """Check if a Measurement is an image. The be an image it must have a header with axes keywords and a WCS to be considered an image. This is to distiguish Measurements that have a data array with more than one member from a true image. :param image: the image to check. It must have a :class:`numpy.ndarray` data member and :class:`astropy.units.Unit` unit member or a header BUNIT keyword. :type image: :class:``, :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. :return: True if it is an image, False otherwise. """ if getattr(image,"header",None) is None or getattr(image,"wcs",None) is None: return False if image.wcs.naxis is None or image.wcs.wcs is None: return False if image.wcs.naxis == 0: #naxis=1 ok -- a 1-D image is still an image. return False if image.wcs.wcs.ctype is None: return False return True
[docs]def is_ratio(identifier): """Is the identifier a ratio (as opposed to an intensity) :rtype: bool """ # find() returns -1 if char not found. # in our case, also rule out that the / is in the zeroth position. return identifier.find('/') > 0
[docs]def is_even(number): """ Check if number is even :param number: a number :return: True if even, False otherwise :type number: float :rtype: bool """ return abs(number) % 2 == 0
[docs]def is_odd(number): """ Check if number is odd :param number: a number :type number: float :return: True if odd, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ return not is_even(number)
def _has_substring(s,ids): return any([s in c for c in ids]) def _has_H2(ids): return _has_substring('H2',ids) def _trim_to_H2(image): '''H2 models in wk2006 are a smaller grid 17x17 vs 25x29. So when performing operations involving other models, we have to trim the other models to 17x17; log(n,G0) from 1 to 5 :param image: the model to trim :type image: :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` :returns: the trimmed model :rtype: :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` ''' f = deepcopy(image) #Slice the WCS. Note this is in numpy array order, not WCS axis order f.wcs = f.wcs[6:23,0:17] =[6:23,0:17] f.meta['NAXIS1'] = 17 f.meta['NAXIS2'] = 17 comment("Trimmed model",f) return f def _trim_all_to_H2(models): '''H2 models in wk2006 are a smaller grid 17x17 vs 25x29. So when performing operations involving other models, we have to trim the other models to 17x17; log(n,G0) from 1 to 5 :param models: models to trim :type models: :list or dict of class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` ''' if type(models) is dict: for id in models: if "H2" not in id: models[id] = _trim_to_H2(models[id]) else: # have to iterate over index to ensure "pass by reference" # if we did for m in models: m = ..., then models # remains unchanged at end of function. Wheee, python! for j in range(len(models)): if "H2" not in models[j].id: models[j] = _trim_to_H2(models[j])
[docs]def get_xy_from_wcs(data,quantity=False,linear=False): """Get the x,y axis vectors from the WCS of the input image. :param data: the input image :type data: :class:``, :class:`astropy.nddata.CCDData`, or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. :param quantity: If True, return the arrays as :class:`astropy.units.Quantity`. If False, the returned arrays are :class:`numpy.ndarray`. :type quantity: bool :param linear: If True, returned arrays are in linear space, if False they are in log space. :type linear: bool :return: The axis values as arrays. Values are center of pixel. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` """ w = data.wcs if w is None: raise Exception("No WCS in the input image") xind=np.arange(w._naxis[0]) yind=np.arange(w._naxis[1]) #print("GETXY xind,yind ",xind,yind) # wcs methods want broadcastable arrays, but in our # case naxis1 != naxis2, so make two # calls and take x from the one and y from the other. if quantity: x=w.array_index_to_world(xind,xind)[0] y=w.array_index_to_world(yind,yind)[1] # Need to handle Habing or Draine units which are non-standard FITS. # Can't apply them to a WCS because it will raise an Exception. # See ModelSet.get_model cunit=data.header.get("CUNIT2",None) if cunit == "Habing": y._unit = habing_unit if cunit == "Draine": y._unit = draine_unit if linear: j = 10*np.ones(len(x.value)) k = 10*np.ones(len(y.value)) #ugh we are depending on CTYPE being properly indicated as log(whatever) if 'log' in w.wcs.ctype[0].lower(): x = np.power(j,x.value)*x.unit if 'log' in w.wcs.ctype[1].lower(): y = np.power(k,y.value)*y.unit else: x=w.array_index_to_world_values(xind,xind)[0] y=w.array_index_to_world_values(yind,yind)[1] if linear: j = 10*np.ones(len(x)) k = 10*np.ones(len(y)) if 'log' in w.wcs.ctype[0].lower(): x = np.power(j,x) if 'log' in w.wcs.ctype[1].lower(): y = np.power(k,y) return (x,y)
[docs]def rescale_axis_units(x,from_unit,from_ctype,to_unit,loglabel=True): #allow unit conversion of density axis xax_unit = u.Unit(from_unit) # cover the base where we had to erase the wcs unit to avoid FITS error if x._unit is None or x._unit is u.dimensionless_unscaled: x._unit = xax_unit if is_rad(xax_unit): if loglabel: xtype = "log({0})".format(get_rad(xax_unit)) else: xtype = "{0}".format(get_rad(xax_unit)) else: if loglabel and 'log' in from_ctype: if "_" in from_ctype: xtype = r"${\rm "+from_ctype+"}$" else: xtype = from_ctype else: xtype = from_ctype.replace("log(","").replace(")","") if "_" in xtype: xtype = r"${\rm "+xtype+"}$" if to_unit is not None: # Make axis of the grid into a Quantity using the cunit from the grid header # Get desired unit from arguments xax_unit = u.Unit(to_unit) # Now create the CTYPE string. For special cases, use # the conventional symbol for the label (e.g. G_0 for Habing units) if is_rad(to_unit): if loglabel: xtype = "log({0})".format(get_rad(xax_unit)) else: xtype = "{0}".format(get_rad(xax_unit)) else: if loglabel and 'log' in from_ctype: xtype = from_ctype else: xtype = from_ctype.replace("log(","").replace(")","") # Convert the unit-aware grid to the desired units and set X to the value (so it's no longer a Quantity) x = # Set the axis label appropriately, use LaTeX inline formatting xlabel = r"{0} [{1:latex_inline}]".format(xtype,xax_unit) return (x,xlabel)