Source code for pdrtpy.modelset

"""Manage pre-computed PDR models"""

import itertools
import collections
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table, Column, unique, vstack
import astropy.units as u
from .pdrutils import get_table,model_dir, _OBS_UNIT_
from .measurement import Measurement

[docs]class ModelSet(object): """Class for computed PDR Model Sets. :class:`ModelSet` provides interface to a directory containing the model FITS files and the ability to query details about. :param name: identifying name, e.g., 'wk2006' :type name: str :param z: metallicity in solar units. :type z: float :param medium: medium type, e.g. 'constant density', 'clumpy', 'non-clumpy' :type medium: str :param mass: maximum clump mass (for KosmaTau models). Default:None (appropriate for Wolfire/Kaufman models) :type float: :params modelsetinfo: For adding user specified ModelSet, this parameter specifies the file with information about the ModelSet. It can be a pathname to an externalt tabular file in an astropy-recognized or an astropy Table object. If an external tabular file, its format should be give by the `format` keyword. The columns are: ['PDR code','name', 'version','path','filename','medium','z','mass','description'] `z` and `mass` should be floats, the rest should be strings. The 'name`, `version`, `medium`, `z`, and `mass` columns contain the values available in the input ModelSet as described above. `PDR code` is the originator of the code e.g., "KOSMA-tau", `version` is the code version, `path` is the full-qualified pathname to the FITS files, `filename` is the tabular file which contains descriptions of individual FITS files. This must also be in the format specified by the `format` keyword. `description` is a description of the input ModelSet. :type modelsetinfo: str or :class:~astropy.Table :format: If `modelsetinfo` is a file, give the format of file. Must be `an astropy recognized Table format. <>`_ e.g., ascii, ipac, votable. Default is `IPAC format <>`_ :type format: str :raises ValueError: If model set not recognized/found. """ #@ToDo replace with kwargs? def __init__(self,name,z,medium="constant density",mass=None,modelsetinfo=None,format='ipac'): if modelsetinfo is None: #get the package default self._all_models = get_table("") elif type(modelsetinfo) is str: self._all_models =,format=format) else: # must be an Astropy Table self._all_models = deepcopy(modelsetinfo) self._all_models.add_index("name") possible = dict() if name not in self._all_models["name"]: raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized model {name:s}. Choices are: {list(self._all_models["name"])}') if np.all(self._all_models.loc[name]["mass"].mask): matching_rows = np.where((self._all_models["z"]==z) & (self._all_models["medium"]==medium)) possible["mass"] = None else: matching_rows = np.where((self._all_models["z"]==z) & (self._all_models["medium"]==medium) & (self._all_models["mass"] == mass)) possible["mass"] = self._all_models.loc[name]["mass"] for key in ["z", "medium"]: possible[key]= self._all_models.loc[name][key] # ugh, possible[] resulting from above can be a Python native or a Column. # If only one row matches it will be a native, otherwise it will be a Column, # so we have to check if it is a Column or not, so that we can successfully # import numberscreate a numpy array. for i in possible: if possible[i] is None: continue if isinstance(possible[i],Column): # convert Column to np.array possible[i] = sorted(set(np.array(possible[i]))) else: # convert native to np.array possible[i] = sorted(set(np.array([possible[i]]))) #print("possible:",possible) if mass is None and possible['mass'] is not None: raise ValueError(f'mass value is required for model {name:s}. Allowed values are {possible["mass"]}') if matching_rows[0].size == 0: msg = f"Requested ModelSet not found in {name:s}. Check your input values. Allowed z are {possible['z']}. Allowed medium are {possible['medium']}." if possible['mass'] is not None: msg = msg + f" Allowed mass are {possible['mass']}." raise ValueError(msg) self._tabrow = self._all_models[matching_rows].loc[name] self._table = get_table(path=self._tabrow["path"],filename=self._tabrow["filename"],format=format) self._table.add_index("ratio") self._set_identifiers() self._set_ratios() self._default_unit = dict() self._default_unit["ratio"] = u.dimensionless_unscaled self._default_unit["intensity"] = _OBS_UNIT_ self._default_unit["emissivity"] = "erg / (cm3 ion s)" self._user_added_models = dict() @property def description(self): """The description of this model :rtype: str """ return self._tabrow["description"]+", Z=%2.1f"%self.z @property def code(self): """The PDR code that created this ModelSet, e.g. 'KOSMA-tau' :rtype: str """ return self._tabrow["PDR code"] @property def name(self): """The name of this ModelSet :rtype: str """ return self._tabrow["name"] @property def version(self): """The version of this ModelSet :rtype: str """ return self._tabrow["version"] @property def medium(self): """The medium type of this model, e.g. 'constant density', 'clumpy', 'non-clumpy' :rtype: str """ return self._tabrow["medium"] @property def z(self): """The metallicity of this ModelSet :rtype: float """ return self.metallicity @property def metallicity(self): """The metallicity of this ModelSet :rtype: float """ return self._tabrow["z"] @property def table(self): """The table containing details of the models in this ModelSet. :rtype: :class:`astropy.table.Table` """ return self._table @property def identifiers(self): """Table of lines and continuum that are included in ratio models of this ModelSet. Only lines and continuum that are part of ratios are included in this list. For a separate list of line and continuum intensity models see :meth:`~pdrtpy.modelset.ModelSet.supported_intensities`. :rtype: :class:`astropy.table.Table` """ return self._identifiers @property def supported_intensities(self): """Table of lines and continuum that are covered by this ModelSet and have models separate from the any ratio model they might be in. :rtype: :class:`astropy.table.Table` """ return self._supported_lines @property def supported_ratios(self): """The emission ratios that are covered by this ModelSet :rtype: :class:`astropy.table.Table` """ return self._supported_ratios @property def user_added_models(self): """Show which models have been added to this ModelSet by the user :rtype: list """ return list(self._user_added_models.keys())
[docs] def ratiocount(self,m): """The number of valid ratios in this ModelSet, given a list of observation (:class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`) identifiers. :param m: list of string :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` IDs, e.g. ["CII_158","OI_145","FIR"] :type m: list :returns: The number of model ratios found for the given list of measurement IDs :rtype: int """ return len(self._get_ratio_elements(m))
[docs] def find_pairs(self,m): """Find the valid model ratios labels in this ModelSet for a given list of measurement IDs :param m: list of string `Measurement` IDs, e.g. ["CII_158","OI_145","FIR"] :type m: list :returns: An iterator of model ratios labels for the given list of measurement IDs :rtype: iterator """ if not isinstance(m, or isinstance(m, (str, bytes)) : raise Exception("m must be an array of strings") for q in itertools.product(m,m): if q[0] == "FIR" and (q[1] == "OI_145" or q[1] == "OI_63") and "CII_158" in m: s = q[1] + "+CII_158/" + q[0] else: s = q[0]+"/"+q[1] if s in self.table["ratio"]: yield s
[docs] def find_files(self,m,ext="fits"): """Find the valid model ratios files in this ModelSet for a given list of measurement IDs. See :meth:`` :param m: list of string :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` IDs, e.g. ["CII_158","OI_145","FIR"] :type m: list :param ext: file extension. Default: "fits" :type ext: str :returns: An iterator of model ratio files for the given list of Measurement IDs :rtype: iterator """ if not isinstance(m, or isinstance(m, (str, bytes)): raise Exception("m must be an array of strings") for q in itertools.product(m,m): # must deal with OI+CII/FIR models. Note we must check for FIR first, since # if you check q has OI,CII and m has FIR order you'll miss OI/CII. if q[0] == "FIR" and (q[1] == "OI_145" or q[1] == "OI_63") and "CII_158" in m: #print("SPECIAL doing %s %s"%(q[0],q[1])) s = q[1] + "+CII_158/" + q[0] else: #print("doing %s %s"%(q[0],q[1])) s = q[0]+"/"+q[1] if s in self.table["ratio"]: fullpath = self._tabrow["path"]+self.table.loc[s]["filename"]+"."+ext tup = (s,fullpath) yield tup
[docs] def model_ratios(self,m): '''Return the model ratios that match the input Measurement ID list. You must provide at least 2 Measurements IDs :param m: list of string :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` IDs, e.g., ["CII_158","OI_145","FIR"] :type m: list :returns: list of string identifiers of ratios IDs, e.g., ['OI_145/CII_158', 'OI_145+CII_158/FIR'] :rtype: list ''' ratios = list() if len(m) < 2: raise Exception("m most contain at least two strings") for p in self.find_files(m): ratios.append(p[0]) return ratios
[docs] def model_intensities(self,m): '''Return the model intensities in this ModelSet that match the input Measurement ID list. This method will return the intersection of the input list and the list of supported lines. :param m: list of string :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` IDs, e.g., ["CII_158","OI_145","CS_21"] :type m: list :returns: list of string identifiers of ratios IDs, e.g., ['CII_158','OI_145'] :rtype: list ''' # get intersection of input list and supported lines return list(set(m) & set(self._supported_lines["intensity label"]))
[docs] def get_model(self,identifier,unit=None,ext="fits"): '''Get a specific model by its identifier :param identifier: a :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` ID. It can be an intensity or a ratio, e.g., "CII_158","CI_609/FIR". :type identifier: str :returns: The model matching the identifier :rtype: :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` :raises: KeyError if identifier not found in this ModelSet ''' if identifier in self._user_added_models: return self._user_added_models[identifier] if identifier not in self.table["ratio"]: raise KeyError(f"{identifier} is not in this ModelSet") _filename = self.table.loc[identifier]["filename"] +"."+ext d = model_dir() _thefile = d+self._tabrow["path"] + _filename _title = self._table.loc[identifier]['title'] # @TODO Fix this: see issues 66 & 67 if unit is None or unit == "": if identifier == "TS": #print("Setting unit to K") unit = "K" modeltype = "intensity" #??'temperature' # make a guess at the unit elif '/' in identifier: unit = self._default_unit["ratio"] modeltype = "ratio" else: unit = self._default_unit['intensity'] modeltype = "intensity" #this is wrong for emissivity modeltypes else: if unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled: modeltype = "ratio" else: modeltype = "intensity" #print("Unit = ",unit) _model =,title=_title,unit=unit,identifier=identifier) #if _model.unit=="": # _model.unit = u.Unit("adu")#self._default_unit["ratio"] _wcs = _model.wcs if "MODELTYP" not in _model.header: _model.header["MODELTYP"] = modeltype _model.modeltype = modeltype #@todo this is messy. clean up by doing if wcs.. first? if self.is_wk2006 or == "smc": # fix WK2006 model headerslisthd if _wcs.wcs.cunit[0] == "": _model.header["CUNIT1"] = "cm^-3" _wcs.wcs.cunit[0] = u.Unit("cm^-3") else: _model.header["CUNIT1"] = str(_wcs.wcs.cunit[0]) if _wcs.wcs.cunit[1] == "": _model.header["CUNIT2"] = "Habing" # Raises UnitScaleError: # "The FITS unit format is not able to represent scales that are not powers of 10. Multiply your data by 1.600000e-03." # This causes all sorts of downstream problems. Workaround in LineRatioFit.read_models(). #_model.wcs.wcs.cunit[1] = habing_unit elif self.code == "KOSMA-tau": # fix KosmaTau model headers if _wcs.wcs.cunit[0] == "": _model.header["CUNIT1"] = "cm^-3" _wcs.wcs.cunit[0] = u.Unit("cm^-3") else: _model.header["CUNIT1"] = str(_wcs.wcs.cunit[0]) if _wcs.wcs.cunit[1] == "": _model.header["CUNIT2"] = "Draine" else: _model.header["CUNIT2"] = str(_wcs.wcs.cunit[1]) else: # copy wcs cunit to header. used later. _model.header["CUNIT1"] = str(_wcs.wcs.cunit[0]) _model.header["CUNIT2"] = str(_wcs.wcs.cunit[1]) return _model
[docs] def get_models(self,identifiers,model_type="ratio",ext="fits"): '''get the models from thie ModelSet that match the input list of identifiers :param identifiers: list of string :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` IDs, e.g., ["CII_158","OI_145","CS_21"] :type identifiers: list :param model_type: indicates which type of model is requested one of 'ratio' or 'intensity' :type model_type: str :returns: The matching models as a list of :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement`. :rtype: list :raises: KeyError if identifiers not found in this ModelSet ''' #if identifier not in self._identifiers["ID"]: # raise Exception("There is no model in ModelSet %s with the identifier %s"%(,identifier)) if model_type != "intensity" and model_type != "ratio" and model_type != "both": raise ValueError("Unrecognized model_type: must be one of 'intensity', 'ratio', or 'both'") models=dict() a = list() self._table.remove_indices('ratio') self._table.add_index('ratio') if model_type == "intensity" or model_type == "both": a.extend(self.model_intensities(identifiers)) if model_type == "ratio" or model_type == "both": a.extend(self.model_ratios(identifiers)) if model_type == "intensity" or model_type == "ratio": _unit = self._default_unit[model_type] else: _unit = None for k in a: if k == "TS": #kluge. we need to support model_type = "temperature" models[k] = self.get_model(k,unit="K",ext=ext) else: models[k] = self.get_model(k,unit=_unit,ext=ext) return models
[docs] def add_model(self,identifier,model,title,overwrite=False): r"""Add your own model to this ModelSet. :param identifier: a :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` ID. It can be an intensity or a ratio, e.g., "CII_158","CI_609/FIR". :type identifier: str :param model: the model to add. If a string, this must be the fully-qualified path of a FITS file. If a :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` it must have the same CTYPEs and CUNITs as the models in the ModelSet(?). :type model: str or :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` :param title: A formatted string (e.g., LaTeX) describing this observation that can be used for plotting. Python r-strings are accepted, e.g., r'$^{13}$CO(3-2)' would give :math:`^{13}{\rm CO(3-2)}`. :type title: str :param overwrite: Whether to overwrite the model if the identifier already exists in the ModelSet or has been previously added. Default: False :type overwrite: bool """ if identifier not in self.table["ratio"] and identifier not in self._user_added_models: self._really_add_model(identifier,model,title) elif identifier in self._user_added_models and not overwrite: raise Exception(f"{identifier} was previously added to this ModelSet. If you wish to overwrite it, use overwrite=True") elif identifier in self.table["ratio"] and not overwrite: raise Exception(f"{identifier} is already in the {} ModelSet. If you wish to overwrite it, use overwrite=True") else: #print(f"Overwriting {identifier}.") self._really_add_model(identifier,model,title)
def _really_add_model(self,identifier,model,title): print("Adding user model %s"%identifier) if type(model) is str: m =,identifier=identifier) else: m = model m._title = title self._user_added_models[identifier] = m if "/" in identifier: # it's a ratio if identifier in self._supported_ratios["ratio label"]: # ack, there should be a way just to replace title but I can't get Table.loc to work. index = np.where(self._supported_ratios["ratio label"] == identifier)[0][0] self._supported_ratios.remove_row(index) self._supported_ratios.add_row([title,identifier]) numerator, denominator = identifier.split('/') fakefilename = "user-"+numerator.replace("_","")+"_"+denominator.replace("_","") else: if identifier in self._supported_lines["intensity label"]: index = np.where(self._supported_lines["intensity label"] == identifier)[0][0] self._supported_lines.remove_row(index) self._supported_lines.add_row([title,identifier]) numerator = identifier denominator = 1 fakefilename = "user-"+numerator.replace("_","") #numerator denominator ratio filename z title self.table.add_row([numerator, denominator, identifier, fakefilename, self.z, title]) def _find_ratio_elements(self,m): # TODO handle case of OI+CII/FIR so it is not special cased in """Find the valid model numerator,denominator pairs in this ModelSet for a given list of measurement IDs. See :meth:`` :param m: list of string :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` IDs, e.g. ["CII_158","OI_145","FIR"] :type m: list :returns: iterator -- An dictionary iterator where key is numerator and value is denominator """ if not isinstance(m, or isinstance(m, (str, bytes)) : raise Exception("m must be an array of strings") for q in itertools.product(m,m): s = q[0]+"/"+q[1] z = dict() if s in self.table["ratio"]: z={"numerator":self.table.loc[s]["numerator"], "denominator":self.table.loc[s]["denominator"]} yield z def _get_ratio_elements(self,m): """Get the valid model numerator,denominator pairs in this ModelSet for a given list of measurement IDs. See :meth:`` :param m: list of string :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` IDs, e.g. ["CII_158","OI_145","FIR"] :type m: list :returns: dict -- A dictionary where key is numerator and value is denominator """ if not isinstance(m, or isinstance(m, (str, bytes)) : raise Exception("m must be an array of strings") k = list() for q in itertools.product(m,m): s = q[0]+"/"+q[1] if s in self.table["ratio"]: z={"numerator":self.table.loc[s]["numerator"], "denominator":self.table.loc[s]["denominator"]} k.append(z) self._get_oi_cii_fir(m,k) return k def _get_oi_cii_fir(self,m,k): """Utility method for determining ratio elements, to handle special case of ([O I] 63 micron + [C II] 158 micron)/I_FIR. :param m: list of string :class:`~pdrtpy.measurement.Measurement` IDs, e.g. ["CII_158","OI_145","FIR"] :type m: list :param k: list of existing ratios to append to :type k: list """ if "CII_158" in m and "FIR" in m: if "OI_63" in m: num = "OI_63+CII_158" den = "FIR" #lab="OI_63+CII_158/FIR" z = {"numerator":num,"denominator":den} k.append(z) if "OI_145" in m: num = "OI_145+CII_158" den = "FIR" #lab="OI_145+CII_158/FIR" z = {"numerator":num,"denominator":den} k.append(z) def _set_ratios(self): """make a useful table of ratios covered by this model""" self._supported_ratios = Table( [ self.table["title"], self.table["denominator"], self.table["ratio"] ],copy=True) matching_rows = np.where(self._supported_ratios["denominator"]=="1")[0] self._supported_lines = Table(self._supported_ratios[matching_rows],copy=True) self._supported_lines.remove_column("denominator") self._supported_ratios.remove_rows(matching_rows) self._supported_ratios['title'].unit = None self._supported_ratios['ratio'].unit = None self._supported_ratios.remove_column("denominator") self._supported_ratios.rename_column("ratio","ratio label") self._supported_lines.rename_column("ratio","intensity label") def _set_identifiers(self): """make a useful table of identifiers of lines covered by ratios in this ModelSet""" # remove the single line intensity models from the list. matching_rows = np.where((self._table['denominator'] != "1"))[0] n=deepcopy(self._table['numerator'][matching_rows]) = 'ID' d=deepcopy(self._table['denominator'][matching_rows])'ID' t1 = Table([self._table['title'][matching_rows],n],copy=True) # discard the summed fluxes as user would input them individually for id in ['OI_145+CII_158','OI_63+CII_158']: a = np.where(t1['ID']==id)[0] for z in a: t1.remove_row(z) # now remove denominator from title (everything from / onwards) for i in range(len(t1['title'])): if '/' in t1['title'][i]: t1['title'][i] = t1['title'][i][0:t1['title'][i].index('/')] t2 = Table([self._table['title'][matching_rows],d],copy=True) # remove numerator from title (everything before and including /) for i in range(len(t2['title'])): if '/' in t2['title'][i]: t2['title'][i] = t2['title'][i][t2['title'][i].index('/')+1:] t = vstack([t1,t2]) t = unique(t,keys=['ID'],keep='first',silent=True) t['title'].unit = None t['ID'].unit = None t.rename_column('title','canonical name') self._identifiers = t @property def is_wk2006(self): """method to indicate this is a wk2006 model, to deal with quirks of that modelset :returns: True if it is. """ return == "wk2006" # ============= Static Methods =============
[docs] @staticmethod def list(): """Print the names and descriptions of available ModelSets (not just this one) """ ModelSet.all_sets().pprint_all(align="<")
[docs] @staticmethod def all_sets(): """Return a table of the names and descriptions of available ModelSets (not just this one) :rtype: :class:`~astropy.table.Table` """ t = get_table("") t.remove_column("path") t.remove_column("filename") return t